
It might be worth reading a book or two. I like sheconomics, because it deals with parental/early learning of money, current feelings and has exercises you can do without making it FEEL like you’re doing them. It’ll help you see if your goals are the same too. I highly, highly recommend this book anyway

It doens’t have to! There’s a book, aptly named ‘soups for all seasons’ written by the Women’s institute. Watermelon soup anyone?

Classic leek and potato

*ahem* ‘The Missing Ones’. Sorry. :)

I just finished a fiction book that has information about orca whales in it as a recurring theme. It’s called ‘The Missing Once’ by Lucy Atkins. Heartily recommended. COULD NOT put it down!

Ummmm, I love that stove (and the story) and hate you, because I think that thing is actually bigger then my whole kitchen *weeping*

You also can’t diagnose psychopathy until 18 at the very earliest, precisely because teenagers are all slightly pschopathic, because it’s where they are developmentally.

Oh, I would LOVE to see some lap/pole dancing stuff. I have to settle for the male stripper/party stuff, as the nearest I can get.Or wet t-shirt contests.

I once grabbed a rack as it was falling out of the oven. In my defense, I was six. But that shit stays with you!

Why would that be gross? That’s how tea should be!

Show him this clip! Around the 55 min mark (although the whole show is really good!)

For future reference, try ‘theyfit’ condoms. I’’m not sure if they’re legal in the States yet, but they are other places. You can get 96 different sizes. Just in case!

Oh! Totally understand that. In that case, a small drink of water with a tiny tiny pinch of salt sipped up and curling up under my duvet for a good long sleep is the next best thing. Although, I actually find with non-aspartame migraines that low level but constant light and noise are good. So a smooth/classical CD on

That feeling may (or may not) be an actual migraine. I only tell you this, because taking different painkillers has better effect on a migraine than a headache due to the differing causes.

If it makes you feel better, he is voted in (albeit by a small, very select and slightly creepy set of dudes), so it’s not passed down like aristocratic titles. It’s like calling the German Chancellor ‘Chancellor Merkel’ to her face or the American President ‘Mr President’.

Congratulations! This is such a huge step.

in glow in the dark spray paint *nods and stares evilly*

I love how the ‘I’m a parent’ stuff gets brought up (talk to any teacher, and they’ll have some stories about times when parents were just fuckin’ wrong), like it’s something that endows any particular skills or knowledge upon a person. Being a parent is nothing special (As a population, obviously individual

I would suggest also that they DO have a right to education still. They can choose any number of ways of providing education to their child. They can home-school, hire a tutor, engage in online teaching (Very popular in Australia, where communities are too spread out for physical schools). All they are not allowed to

Weirdly, this is kinda how my Mum makes tea. She kind of teases the water with the tea bag. We tend to share a teabag and she does hers first and then I do mine.