
Oh yeah I mean I get the point of it all, however disgusting it is. And honestly this whole thing is a shit show and I don’t have much of an opinion either way as to who’s telling the truth. My problem is the way people and the media are characterizing domestic violence and its victims (and perpetrators for that

Tmz is on johnnys payroll. It's disgusting. And good for her friend. What a badass.

Apparently there is a tight relationship between Harvey Levin (of TMZ) and Laura Wasser (Depp’s divorce lawyer). I was curious myself and that seems to be the loophole. Wasser and Levin go way back so he’s either doing her a favour or getting some kind of insider info kickback.

Nope. I read it and absorbed it and judge her as a person for doing it.

Is complimenting skin a thing now? Signed, Perplexed.

I’ve tried not to pile on b/c the Heard/Depp story has so much white noise around it already*, but iO and everyone else that has made this argument are 100% right. I wasn’t there. I don’t have an inside track. But common fucking sense also kicks in at a certain point. If anyone is really that invested in Depp’s image,

How much evidence does a woman need to present?!

Not to mention swearing up and down that she wasn’t wearing any makeup at all. I’m going to make a generalization here, but most men (or people that don’t wear makeup often, if ever) don’t know the difference between legit no makeup face and a made up “no makeup” face.

It’s amazing that that her neighbors/doormen remember exactly what Heard’s skin looked like on an specific day more than a week prior. And how observant they are that they were able to do a quick scan for bruises beneath makeup as she walked by. No amount of evidence she can provide would possibly compete with that

Apparently Amber’s Friend, evidence doesn’t matter if the abuser was really just a “nice guy.” We’re all probably just being too “politically correct” about this whole thing

Nothing like a fun morning reminder that when it comes to domestic violence, it’s always the victim’s life that gets picked apart and combed through to ascertain the truth instead of the abuser’s.

True. But he did sentence a rapist to 1/4 of the recommended minimum sentence because he didn’t think the fact that he raped someone should have a negative effect on his life. He did make it crystal clear, not just to the victim of this rape but to rape victims everywhere, that he holds rapists in considerably higher

Excuse me, but he also isn’t eating his favorite foods. His dad doesn’t have to hide the pretzels anymore. THE HUMANITY.

It’s almost like we shouldn’t be ignoring rape kits. Who knew?

Far more common than who thought? Because I’m pretty sure most women are not surprised by the news that when rapists get away with one rape, they go commit more. That’s what happens when a society doesn’t take rape as seriously as it should.

So you’re saying the Stanford rapist has either done it before or will do it again? Shocking. Good thing he only got 6 months for that 20 minutes of action, since I’m sure he will never again be a threat to society.

White privilege isn’t a thing at all. Naaaaaaaawwwwwwwww. Couldn’t be. Just a total coincidence.

For what it’s worth, the President and First Lady’s statement on Muhammad Ali is gorgeous and well worth reading:

I posted this to my Facebook: