
Not by cherry picking individual sources of distraction and certainly not by allowing the government to mandate how software is allowed to act.

On behalf of America, maybe you cats could ship some of the common sense you seem to have a surplus of down here. Maybe send Justin “The Cool RA” Trudeau down here to talk some sense into people. Because otherwise it’s going to be like living next to a tire fire; not your fault, but you’ll be stuck with the

I’ve been critical of the content of 2 of those posts. Having said that, standing up for your beliefs and sticking to a code says a lot. Glad to be a reader, and thrilled to see the above statement. Good luck and I hope you all stick around for the foreseeable future..

Oh fuck off. I’m guessing you don’t have kids.

It’s a fucking LEGO store. Legos are for children. They weren’t walking around the fucking Louvra.

Bad parents exist everywhere. In zoos and malls. This isn’t on the kid. It’s on the parents.

Don’t know about anyone else, but if I made this, and some little brat did this to it crying may be involved; by one or both parties.

Kid probably went to hug it.

Kids are fucking kids. They don’t understand the complexities of a thing like this - they saw a cartoon character and ran to it. You can stand around moaning about what kids should have done, or deal with what they do - which is often destructive.


Well, one possibility is that in addition to the three primary colors for normal human vision, they are also including the primary colors of other species such as birds or Klingons.

Sorry, you are incorrect. Mixing pigments does not change the wavelength of the light. It merely reflects multiple wavelengths simultaneously, and the cones in our retinas receive those wavelengths and the varying cones are sensitive to particular wavelengths. Activate the proportionate amounts of cones and your brain

Oh shit. I forgot about color e-ink. Remember how excited we all were back in, like, 2009? Wasn’t there a company and/or product called Qi that was supposed to be doing this?

Why say “idiot moron” when you can just say “millennial”?

Youtube comments will still be around.

If Yahoo Answers goes away, the collective intelligence of the Internet may go up 10 points.

Was this drawn by Esher, I wonder?

I am flattered and also maybe a little bit offended? Ty!

Compliments to the wonderful Ashley Feinberg for helping me hone the delivery of that joke.