
My only real issue with this is that it HAS to be a health code violation. Pass on the whole exposed genitals near my coffee, thanks.

I don't find prostitution inherently aweful. Performers (yes, I am calling them performers) are often required to wear scant clothing in crazy temperatures. You should check out the Vegas pirates show. Outdoors, bikinis, and cool night desert temperatures = rough working conditions but worth it for the performers.

Are they hiring? Asking for a friend...

This story scared the crap out of me because it is shocking that proton therapy is not available in the UK for anything but eye cancer. Granted, it is fairly new, but there are about 10 centers in the U.S. that provide it, and insurance does cover it here, for all kinds of cancers that in particular involve the brain.

From what I've read so far this is a massive cock up and a wholly inappropriate use of the law. There might be more going on than we know but this is a free country with two health care systems (public and private) and we have freedom of movement. If I want to take my kid elsewhere fir medical treatment I have that

they were attempting to take him to a proton therapy centre in the Czech Republic.

I want to bracket for a moment the parents' decisions (because of the religious angle) and ask how many kids in England /UK went missing last week? Was this kind police and media effort put into tracking them down?

From the Guardian coverage, they were going, not just to sell the property, but to take the kid someplace where he could have the procedure.

Can we clone this judge and put her everywhere? She's badass.

internet hugs to you and your friend. Continue to support her in a nonjudgmental way. Help her focus on her safety and what she will need to help her feel safe. And please, please take care of yourself in this. If you reach a place where you get burned out on supporting her, that's not healthy for anyone.

Yes, that's an entirely female thing. Those crazy, stupid teenaged girls—if only they could be as wise and mature as teenaged boys!

There is as statistic somewhere that shows risk of violence and death increases when women leave their abuser. Some women stay because it's the safest thing for them to do.

I couldn't even post a hospital bill, because the hospital doesn't bill me, it bills my health insurance. I did have a nose surgery just three weeks ago actually and don't even know what it cost, nor do I know what any of the other surgeries I've had in my life cost.

I will post this on every article about domestic violence from here until the end of time. If you are experiencing abuse, it is not your fault. If someone you care about is being abused, you cannot fix it for them, but you can be a support and decrease the isolation they are experiencing. From loveisrespect.org:

I honestly wish citizens in other countries like yours would seriously start very publicly shaming America like this. Like, Canadians or Germans taking pictures of their Hospital bill and tweeting that shit under...fuck, I don't know...#UJellyAmerica or something, I don't know. Of course, in rebuttle people would

Cuts into profits. They're more important than people's lives, you know (not really, but a lot of corporate folks certainly think so).

If you want me to start listing the ways our state and federal governments treat our citizens like crap, we're going to be here a long fucking time, dude.

The law for paid sick leave down here in Germany covers six weeks per year. Nationwide of course. If you're sick longer than that, public social security kicks in.

I'm sorry, I ask this in all sincerity because I am not American, but did you just say the US has had no paid sick leave? None. Nada? How does that happen?