intergalactic hussy

Oh man, Xiomara's freakout in bed when she saw Abuela lying beside Rogelio was priceless. And I too hope she ditches that vow of chastity, though it was nice to see Rogelio taking it in relative stride.

Rogelio was comedy gold tonight, as usual. Of course the man carries around his own concealer. Of course.

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!

It seemed to me that the aspects of the episode that dealt with racism were specifically about *the way that rich white people fail at dealing with racism*.

I've seen The Lion in Winter multiple times yet it never occurred to me that Alais might have been colluding with Philip. What evidence from the film supports this? What did I miss?

He's definitely shed a few pounds, judging by this before and after comparison:

Okaaaay, that Johnny/Alicia kiss was… something. But once the initial shock wears off, I think I can get on board with these two. Johnny's been a great addition to the cast — he's Alicia's devoted personal champion (after some initial resistance), he's got good chemistry with her, and his role as her campaign manager

I'm really kind of astonished by how Camil's managed to make a vain, narcissistic, middle-aged playboy like Rogelio into such a standout character. I started watching Jane the Virgin for the awesome women, but Rogelio's somehow become my fave. I'll be damned if the guy doesn't make me smile every time he's on screen.

The writers dumped every romantic cliche onto that diner scene, and with the wink-wink, "look at how cute these two are" trolling, it worked perfectly. It's a real testament to the actors' chemistry that despite the limited setup for the pairing, I've totally jumped aboard this ship.

The answer seems almost too obvious. Peter and Will are both aggressive alpha male types who know how to dish it out, and Peter gets the edge over Will because he's, well, corporeal. Compared to him, nice guy Finn could easily come across as too soft and vanilla. But then, maybe I'm unfairly overlooking Finn. Maybe

When Bishop exploded at Kalinda and yelled "Who the hell do you think you are?!" I damn near jumped out of my seat. I'm kind of amazed Kalinda emerged from his house in one piece.

I've been indifferent to outright disdainful of Rogen in the past, but I absolutely loved him in this episode for bailing Valerie out. God, that entire blowjob setup was excruciating to sit through. If she'd been forced to go through with the scene as originally written, I would've had to slam my laptop shut and walk

I don't remember Lana kissing Kalinda in public this season. Are you sure you aren't confusing Lana with Sophia, the blonde woman played by Kelli Giddish? I definitely remember Sophia trying to plant one on Kalinda because she wanted to give the boys a show.

……Or she was revealed to be both involved with someone in the case and a lesbian. It's not one or the other; they're clearly intertwined.

The thing that's bothered me about the Alicia/Finn setup is that the flirting really came out of nowhere. The relationship went from cordial and friendly in season 5 to heavy sexual tension in season 6 without much of a bridge or transitional phase.

Yeah, I was cringing during that tense scene between Alicia and Finn because I didn't want them kissing AT ALL. When their romance does finally take off, I want it to be because Alicia's ready to move on and because she genuinely likes the guy. It would've been groan-worthy if she'd made out with Finn as a knee-jerk

I don't think I've ever hated Cary more than I have during that meeting with the FBI. I'm pretty damn sure he outed Lana to her boss, considering how skittish she's been in the past about physical displays of affection with Kalinda while her colleagues were hanging around. I don't care how bitter and pissed he is that

I assumed it was based on the Emma Sulkowicz case at Columbia University.

Christ, I hope not. That hadn't even occurred to me. But if that is his real wheelchair, I guess I have to give him props for being such a good sport and poking fun at himself a bit. Canning's loud, protracted struggle to get through the court doors got a bit of a laugh out of me.

Yeah, I hate nitpicking over actresses' appearance like this, but it was really hard to ignore the orange glow coming off her, especially when she was standing next to Matthew Goode, who's got that classic pasty Englishman look going on.