In some Olympic sports, the competitors are clad in nothing but little tiny swimsuits. In some, they are covered…
In some Olympic sports, the competitors are clad in nothing but little tiny swimsuits. In some, they are covered…
Because Bloom went ahead and got naked in public, knowing that there were likely cameras pointed at him while J-Laws nudes were stolen from her via hack. He wanted us to see him naked, she didn’t want us to see her naked. Glad I could clear that up for you.
Try it! It’s super fun. I’ve also never in my life heard of anyone getting seasick from SUP. Kneeling is the “safe position” for when it gets choppy and you don’t want to fall off your board.
They blame it on Vaccines because they do not want to face the truth Money causes Autism. Just look at Mississippi which has the lowest cases of Autism but the highest rates of vaccinations. They do not have money which is why Autism is low.
I’m joking but the real reason we are seeing more Autism is we are better at…
Libertarians, even though their political ideology is the complete antithesis to progressive politics, somehow manage to draw in plenty of self-professed liberals. And by liberals I mean young white people who want weed to be legal.
Oh, oh! I got caught in a massive rainstorm waiting for the bus for my interview. Was mid-house move, so had no umbrella on my person (AND it was a sunny DC morning until the moment it wasn’t!). Myself and another bus-stop-waiter caught a cab together downtown. I was absolutely soaking, the kind of wet you get when…
I was feeling kind of weird about this job in the first place. I had had one interview that went well with the one owner and was back for a final interview with the other. He spent the whole time peeping down my top and asking me off the cuff questions about the female owner. I finally asked if they were married or…
So this week, by tomorrow, we’ll have one cop fired for posting a video, and zero cops fired for shooting black men in scenarios escalated solely by the police involved.
Patent Examiner/ former Patent Attorney here: One day back at the firm, my managing partner called me into his office to let him know that someone had called him about filing a patent. This person had (sigh) been on a “vision quest” with a shaman, and taken hallucinogens which (sigh) caused him to travel forward in…
Oh, man. I HATE when people say shit like, “Oh, you dressed up today, you look nice.” Like, they have to draw a contrast between different ways I dress or how much makeup I wear (or how your hair looks). The implication is that you what? Look like shit the rest of the time? HATE IT. Just leave it at “You look really…
Sorry, pal. I’m just fucking with you. But thank you for confirming my prediction that someone would come into this comment thread with too much information about otters.