“This video really was out of innocence
“This video really was out of innocence
When people wonder why no one reports on men like Nassar, it’s because men like Strampel get to watch the videos of assaults. Abuse in institutions is institutionalized.
After 3 weeks in Austin, a community in a state of terror over the actions of a “home-schooled” Christian young man with “challenges” in the big, bad world...I am sick and fucking tired of every violent, privileged, white male asshole being treated like he’s something other than a terrorist just because he’s not…
Hi Taylor!!!
The Catholic Church was asking for it when they invited Buress to perform. It’s the church’s fault, and they need to repent for what they’ve done and then they need to be quiet about it because no one will believe them anyway.
I’d prefer chocolate, especially when the ring is that ugly and it comes with an obligation to Tommy Lee. Ugh.
My husband was born in Pakistan but grew up from infancy in Indiana. He’s now a doctor and gets this question all. the. time. from his older patients. When he gets to that second “no, but where are you from.......,” he always doubles down on “I’m from Indiana” in an increasingly deadpan and serious tone until shit…
Never got the “thing” about Ewan McGregor. Looks as pasty and weird as any other normal dude from Scotland. I lived there for years and, uh, took a pretty broad survey. First words out of my husband’s mouth when we went back to visit a few years ago was “Wow. I feel so tall and good looking.” Next words were “What the…
I know you mean well, but no way in hell he missed a single thing. I think this writer of Vox puts it best, and I recommend reading the whole article.
“I’m an adult, and I’m listening, and I’m sorry it took this long.”
Yes, wokeness is of black origin and speaks to an awareness of social justice and racial justice. Handing it over to white women without the slightest hint of irony is peak Jezebel.
I thought “woke” started off as a thing for black folk (maybe I’m wrong on this). Has it basically been co-opted now?
I’m side-eying the title of “wokest Globes in history” for a ceremony that almost completely excluded winners of color. Side-eying it hard.
“James Franco got too much time for my taste” is a fantastic way to describe that man in general, let alone his career.
Or better yet, you ditch tampons altogether and use a cup!
Immediate grief responses can be pretty self-oriented. Folks get pulled into their pain and longing when they lose someone they love: I want them, I miss them, I hurt. It’s overwhelming, to say the least.
Get off social media. Do it now, it’s poison. Social media has given people the power to send their annual cloying “family update Christmas letter!” in pieces three times a week, with exactly the same amount of subliminal airbrushing.
I had no idea who Adam Driver was before the last star wars moviedo, but I saw a video he did about helping veterans suffering from PTSD to communicate by exposing them to theater- and not only does he have a deep voice, which, yes please- he seemed really passionate about helping his fellow vets in a constructive and…
Hell. Fucking. Yes.
Thank you. I haven’t even seen Last Jedi yet, but something about him in The Force Awakens got me all tingly in my girl parts. I was pretty sure I was over having feelings for the “bad boy” because my husband is the 100% nicest guy ever...and then he got all mind-meldy on Rey and I was like...oh wait.