
@GamerKT: Yeah, it's buttery smooth. excellent looking game

@Skutarth: I think that this studio would put the effort into doing it properly. I would actually consider getting a move if i could use it in rising.

@Slanzinger: instead of giving you my personal opinion, because you didn't ask for it, here is the answer to your question.

@alphaprologist: The only reason I ever went there was to get Ol'Painless and to murder everyone.

@Nethlem: I've had a gamebreaking glitch where all npcs became hostile to me, and I could not complete the main quest, because I couldn't talk to any npc.

@plasticmouse: Good thing I'm radioactive, so I do glow in low lighting.

@KevinO: I got mine a while ago. like 8 or 9 hours ago

No k-meleon?

@JordanGold: Looks like a perfect argument if i've ever seen one

@dowingba: how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!

@Platypus Man: oh woah! I read your response wrong xD

@Platypus Man: Being on urban dictionary does not make a word reputable. If that was so, the word hobosexual would be a reputable word.

@De Gnomer: I have no money for gas. Damn student expenses :(

@De Gnomer: Bold statement. I would, but I'm in Canada.