
@kojirodensetsu: I was recommended Postal 1 by a friend, and got his copy, but never got around to playing it. Other than him, I have yet to meet a person who even knows of postal

@Liam is now a photo editor: Hey! you posted the head of george w bush on the body of an animal! You can't equate him to a monkey because he is of human descent! that's offensive!

@howdini: Papa's got a brand new bag of zombie minifigs.

@LaziestManOnMars: I've always wondered how that works. I didn't see a change in gorgeousness when I got my laser eye surgery though :(

@LaziestManOnMars: I've always wondered how that works. I didn't see a change in gorgeousness when I got my laser eye surgery though :(

@Zinger314: I would be more concerned about that "divide by 0" button...

@Graviton1066: Not everyone does. I personally use mousekeys pretty often to control my mouse instead of using the actual mouse

@MaNiFeX: I totally agree, I try to avoid using a mouse as much as possible.

@ColinStein: Only if I take greek history class? XD

@notastereotype: I make fun of vegetarians/vegans because it is funny, not because I have something wrong with the fact that they do not eat meat.

@scrapking: you say you're a pussyfest?

@jamjen: and on silent.

@ColinStein: Maybe when I have some spare money. Studentry ain't cheap.

This one's mine.

@MrGOH: Master quest was made for the gamecube.

@ColinStein: Mine's sat inside by bedside table for the past 6 months because the analog is broken, and I never played my psp enough to make it worth the money to fix it

@Wrathernaut: and you just broke 1 and 2, but who's counting