Oh, a guy who trolls over gender AND can't do math? You seem like a real charmer.
Oh, a guy who trolls over gender AND can't do math? You seem like a real charmer.
It’s OK to care about multiple things.
I don’t think the existence of this article suggests PoC who have been falsely accused are somehow less deserving of our sympathy than this man, and moreso that this is a videogame centric blog talking about a videogame centric crime and it’s legal precedings
You’re absolutely right. Viewing one person as a person immediately diminishes all other injustices in the world. Truly, justice and goodness are part of a zero sum game.
Yes the nerve of me comparing a woman who’s lies and bullshit led to the torture and death of a child to a man who’s actions led to what? Yeah you can fuck off with whataboutism cause this ain’t the same thing. Yeah you are that guy, the guy that needs to get a fucking clue and shit his ass all the way the fuck up.…
I hope the genre continues to prosper and we see even more indie titles that use the quirky mechanics to great advantage.
“Oh, my God, that’s disgusting! Tifa Lockhart hentai porn? Where? Where did he post those?”
Like the typo, this comment is wrong
Jesus Christ. It’s way past time to be done with this site. The new editor sounds like a tool. Writers don’t engage with the readership. It’s just empty content with a few exceptions thrown in every now and then.
I get what you’re saying but there are a lot of us making excuses and not getting that shot for no good reason. Frankly, I’ve lost patience with them.
Celebrities are most likely to have high-end boots that rarely, if ever, encounter actual dirt. Those are obviously the boots to lick, if that’s your thing.
But does anyone other than the hyper analytical online crowd really care about the optics? I mean, yes, I can see how it’s in bad taste, but I’m fairly certain for most people it’s just another weird theme party a celebrity is throwing.
“People enjoyed something more than I did. Obviously, they are morons.”
There are many things one could criticize Teigen for, but throwing a party themed around the biggest television show of the year is not one of them.
I’m sure a significant amount of the vitriol aimed at Buttiegeg is based in bigotry or simply the cynical urge to attack anyone who has garnered some popularity. But its also true Mayor Pete sucks in some blatant ways.
We elected a president named Barack Hussein Obama just 7 years after 9/11.
You make it sound like Cougar Town is coming out next week. It was on for six seasons.
I like how CRT is treated as something that’s being taught directly to children.
Lol sure bud
Announcing a game is game news gamers are likely to be interested in, so it gets covered by game news outlets.