
On the subject of YT people and animals (spoilers for the new Wolverine movie) I side-eye people who see Logan say "I'm sooooo happy none of those horses got hurt" but don't say ish about the black family that owns them and gets slaughtered.

I would love to see the effects redone for the Burly Brawl. As hyped as I was for that, the obvious CGI pulls me out every time.

Jack Thompson and the usual band of religious right nutcases really tried to make a big deal out of that.

Oh yeah, that subgame is a bit of a grind (lots of rupees required), but you should be able to sell a bunch of monster parts to make that easier. By the way, have you heard that you can control the Guardians? I didn't know about that until just the other day. Requires items from the dragons though. Absolutely

Maybe there's some gimmick to the fight that's not obvious? I'd check GameFAQs message boards to see if other people have made it past it.

I've been a bit all over the map this week. I've been playing Mass Effect Andromeda mostly, but honestly only because my husband wanted to watch me play it. I've complained about the writing before but man every single scene contains one absolute groaner. The facial animations just make it worse, Ryder looks

Axelay would be great for this too.

Super Mario Bros. 3

I can't argue with this list, except I'd swap Donkey Kong Country 2 for the first one. It improves on it in every way.

#5 should drop off the list for editing the episode to allow for more commercials. Some jokes end up cut and others are cut short so that they don't have time to land, both of which ruins the whole thing.

There must be some weird licensing issue with the original NES Contra, which is why I left it out. According to Wikipedia it never came to the Wii Virtual Console, even though Super C and Contra III did.

Castlevania III
Mega Man 3
Ninja Gaiden 2 & 3
StarTropics 2
Double Dragon
Life Force
That's just off the top of my head and sticking to games from companies that already put stuff on the system.

I usually find endgame rewards in FF unsatisfying, but it's nice to have something to do after you've leveled up enough to take on the final boss.

I suppose there's value in that, but the NES Classic has plenty of notable omissions, which could've been rectified by offering downloads over wifi. This will likely have even more. You always have the option of not using the wifi functions even if they're there.

*The original FFII/IV on SNES was dumbed-down for the US

Except for the music in FFVI, the GBA versions of the games are pretty good. FFIV was dumbed-down for the US and both games are otherwise identical with some bonus dungeons and a better translation.

Maybe they'll include the ability to buy games off an online shop. It's easy to think of 50+ SNES games that people want to play and the NES classic itself could be hacked to add games.

I'd also add Super Castlevania IV and Contra III.

They've never done proper emulated versions of Star Fox or Yoshis Island (VC versions are the GBA port). I'd love if they would, but I don't see it happening. I'd swap out Mega Man X2 with Final Fantasy IV and add Tetris Attack and Chrono Trigger to the list.

I play video games way too much for a man in his 30s. Like I don't really keep up with the rest of pop culture because of it.