
Ye, Katie Taylor. She is the height of class and sportsmanship. She recently turned pro after an amazing amateur career with the Olympics etc., so we are all rooting for her.

I don’t have to. You are sufficiently trolled. I’ll just leave you with a piece of advice. Try not to be such a bitch. It’s reflecting a poor stereotype. I’m going to ignore you now, something which you should have done from the start if you had an ounce of sense.

You might be interested in knowing that in my own country Ireland, our most famous and celebrated boxer is a woman.

Listen, seeing as you are being reasonable, I’ll be straight with you. I’m just trolling Gella for being a bitch

A feminist talking about a sense of humor!??? Bahaha.


99% of celebrity/gossip magazines are consumed by women. At least 90% of sports magazines are consumed by men. How on earth does Gella typing random nonsense prove anything other than she’s an idiot. Hell, her original comment already proved it.

Because women are much less interested in sport than men. Just like men are much less interested in celebrity nonsense than women.

Just tell your dad to stop?

Lol, at least you aren’t being a bitch anymore. Try to keep it up

You wanna try that again, sweetheart?


Stop being a catty bitch, maybe?


The world doesn’t revolve around Taylor Swift yano

Boxers are present in every weight division. He wouldn’t even be in the lightest division. But you are a girl who most likely knows nothing about sport, so I’ll let it slide.