purple scrunchie

When we go on vacation we stay in AirBnBs, and they’re almost all nicer *and* cheaper than any of the local “nice” hotels. A couple years ago we were down in Puerto Rico and decided to stay a few days in Ponce for Marti Gras. Lodging was limited, so we picked a room in a house in the old section of town that had

Due to genetics, my 13 year old is tall and thin with long legs. I’m going to have to talk to her about body image. Great. Thanks.

I laughed like a hyena at that tweet. Also, a correction: they went back in time so they could buy fewer “Motor Cycles”. A true Man Of The People knows that it’s two capitalized words. Motor-Cycles, Auto-Gyros, etc.

Hi. What is the point of your post?

She’ll gain ten pounds and it will be BRAVE!

“During his remarks, Severino also relayed a story about a Catholic nurse who was required to perform an abortion, which violated her religious beliefs.”

Hot take: most of VB’s rings are gauuuddddyyy. Don’t @ me*.

Pretty much all racist white people just assume that every other white person - up to and including God, who is definitely white - is exactly as racist as they are. 

Fuck Mitch McConnell.

Well, it’s nice they located a spine. It would’ve been nice if they’d located that spine when they were busy throwing Maxine Waters under the bus and pearl clutching over ~going high~ but fine. 1/10.

Those tweets from congressional Democrats are just that: fucking TWEETS. Expect the epic rollover to come post haste. I am so sick of this shit. They should have done something about it when McConnell wrought his coup de tat against Obama on the Garland nomination. Even when we win we lose. I’ll say it right here,

Here it is, plain and simple.

I’m just so unhappy.

Psyched for this ‘cause she’s definitely more representative of the district and she’ll almost definitely win in November.

Top 3 character for me.

At this point the only thing we can do is outlast them. Secure yourself and your family’s financial future, and your home. Accept that things are going to be hard and awful for awhile, while still doing what you can to make things better locally.

Democrats are so out of touch they don’t even realize that there is no legislative or judicial or executive path out of this for the foreseeable. There’s a zero percent chance (it is in fact mathematically impossible) of winning a supermajority in the senate for impeachment, so Trump is staying his full term. The

Just so long as season 7 gives me more Shore Leave, I’ll be a happy camper.

Maxine Waters was not saying “beat up people from the administration,” she was saying when you see people from the administration, don’t wait to fully organize an action — make your voice heard in that moment. Don’t make life convenient and peaceful for them, give them the same respect they give to immigrants, asylum