Purple Dave

Huh. I didn't realize they planned to retire the ISS in 2014.

Back when Detroit 187 was an as-yet-uncancelled fledgeling series with impending doom looming over it, some retired cop went into all the factual errors in the series, which included:

Well, if she can make gold out of worm-juice, I guess that makes just as much not-really-but-pretend-it-does-sense. You know, except for the fact that there's not much point to caring that it's made of gold if it's only made of gold for as long as it remains intact. I mean, sometimes you'll get a person who has a

In 1849, people flocked to California so they could take dirt from riverbeds and sift it in a pan, allowing them to isolate and recover pieces of gold the size of a grain of sand. Why? Because it's worth that much.

Ned's head, baby. Ned's head.

After Cersei and Jaime (who I'd known about before the series premiere), I was able to let Theon be disgusted on my behalf. Okay, he may have underplayed it a bit, but he at least seemed more put off by it than his sister was. That aside, I had no idea who she was, but I could sense that something wasn't being said

What? You've got Jaime and Cersei, and their three kids. You've got one Wildling and his daughter/wives (who, by definition, are all both in and the product of incestuous relationships), and you've got Theon who copped a feel on a pretty girl who he later found out was his sister. Given the large number of people

As someone who hasn't read the books, the only bit I'm having trouble with is keeping track of names. Reading these synopses helps a lot with that, but as far as plot goes I'm doing fine. Maybe what's causing so much trouble for you is trying to jive the book with the considerable amount of changes they had to make

So Theon is like the Luke Skywalker of this story? Wait, wait, hear me out. He grew up in a household where he never got along with the grizzled old man who took him in, all the other guys he grew up with were cooler than him, he's trying to talk a pirate into helping him overthrow the evil empire, and he's not

If they started it out by having Leo get crushed to death beneath one of the supply wagons being sent down to load up the Titanic before its maiden voyage, and then excised him from the rest of the movie, I might be able to bring myself to watch it...once.

Okay, I'm rewatching the episode right now (forgot I still had it). Here's a bunch of direct quotes from the phone call:

It wasn't solid gold, but they definitely did say there was gold in it. And that it would be completely worthless when broken. Now, unless their definition of "worthless" is like the difference between a solid gold cultural icon that should be the centerpiece of an entire museum exhibit, and the lump of gold you

Okay, yeah, I'm remember the goofy ejection system from the Vector, which I think may have popped up as one of the "evolution" weapons on Weapons That Changed The World, and the FN-2000 looks like the guns they used on Stargate SG-1, but the one that Carter had looked a lot beefier than what I'm finding for pics of

Okay, I know I've seen that goofy little brick-shaped gun Reese is holding in the top image, even though I can't recall anything about it right now, but what was that cannon that he gave Carter?

Well, we've had one where the person it spat out was both the intended victim and the person who was trying to kill the victim. So chalk up one in the "both" column. Mostly I think it's been "victim", with enough would-be murderers to keep them on their toes. And sometimes it turns out they did get the victim's

It's been a while, and he's spent a _LOT_ of time hanging on Reese' keyring, but I remember that he actually was one of the bad cops that was sent to kill one of early weekly victims. I don't think the others with him fared so well, and a year ago he would have been one of the HR cops on the street when Elias rang

It was more about the fact that this priceless gold goiter, which is a solid hunk of malleable metal, but shatters like a lump of feta cheese, suddenly becomes as worthless as dirt when you break it. Even though it's made of gold, one of the most precious metals on the planet.

So, bird-lady grows this nugget in her throat, which consists largely of gold. And it's really fragile, and shatters when struck a moderate blow, but it's made of gold, a metal that's _so_ ductile it can be hammered into a sheet one molecule thick, or stretched into a wire one molecule in diameter. And it's made of

Kinda makes you wonder if that's the one that started it all. "I have this great idea for an Alice in Wonderland poster, but I really should come up with some others to put it in context."

As good as the SBFF shorts are, I think my favorite group at this point is the Animal Man set. The hawk snatching up that mouse was priceless. Of course, now the problem is it's reminded me of something I remember seeing, but I can't remember where. It involved someone saving the day by either shooting or throwing