Purple Dave

It says you're probably a guy. Or at least interested in girls. Biting the lower lip like that is a time-recognized way of signaling interest, intentionally or not. Dunno where it comes from or why it works, but it does.

I don't think Marylin Monroe is the sort of actress who would do well in Klingon cinema...

My justification of those numbers is that you asked for two numbers with no expressed expectation of justification for those numbers.

There's something not quite right about the idea of putting a light-sword into a sheath. I can't quite put my finger on it. I tried, but it disappeared in a puff of smoke that had a strong scent of ozone...

The first time Darth Maul appears, his lightsaber is about as close as you're ever going to find to a light-nagamaki. Not that he uses it like one, mind you...

In college, I had a roommate who told me he found it sad when he walked in to find me watching a 2.35:1 movie on a 13" TV. Now people watch movies on their cel phones, so...

It's actually a rather open-ended ending. Chuck has the Intersect again, and no known means of removing it. He's been there for most of the series. And when you throw in the number of times that he's quit the spy business for good, it's a perfectly workable season finale that will lead into the next, but for the

"'The other reason is that, if we do the *right* thing, then we're gonna create a lot of wealth...'"

I know I've seen Shark Week footage where a group of sharks in a feeding frenzy turned on one of their own the instant it got seriously wounded mid-feed. Some shark species are picky eaters, and others are not. And then you've got the tiger shark, which is like nature's garbage disposal. Even sharks aren't safe

I'm pretty sure it takes more than being a non-standard color to fight crime. And I'm more the type to leave that stuff to the cops. And Batman. Who I'm not.

You'd need to neither generate nor reflect sound off the leading edges. With air being pushed out of the way and slipping back in behind, you can severely reduce the amount of noise generated, but only in the land of hypothetical situations could you ever eliminate it completely. See, you've got a top surface and a

"This would easily beat the current record for the furthest any human has traveled from Earth, set by the Apollo 13 astronauts when they were forced to go around the Moon on a free return trajectory."

The far side of the moon actually gets a teensy bit more sunlight for two reasons. One is that it never experiences lunar eclipses, while the near side does a few times each year. The other is that the far side is exposed to the sun when the moon is closer to the sun, so it gets slightly more concentrated sunlight

Is Gadget Hackwrench the little girl-mouse from Chip & Dale's animated series?

Yes! Thank you for giving me an excuse to celebrate the fact that House is GTFO in May! WOOHOO!

No, some conclude.

I thought the only one that mattered was that Avatar is furry-fic. After that, I know I had no interest in ever watching it, even for free.

Yeah, I'm sure that's why they've won every year since the Graphic Novel category was added to the Hugo Awards.

It's actually a printed graphic novel first, that started posting to the web to increase readership, and then had the first two or so graphic novels adapted into a regular novel.

Hmm, right, that's kinda what I figured. But of course they couldn't exactly change the name and swap characters. For one thing, there wouldn't be _any_ sexual tension if the two title characters were sharing a bed. And just out of curosity, is Phil & Dixie the first appearance of Krosp?