Purple Dave

Ok, one more time.


Well, since you need an atmosphere to produce a sonic boom, and what you're describing sounds like a spaceship...I'd say no.

Well, four shattered limbs (and by shattered I mean meat-bags full of bone chunks, not just a couple fractures). So yeah. I imagine if that had happened to me and someone asked me to rate how painful it was on a scale of 1 to 10, I probably wouldn't even hear them over the sound of me screaming.

The one big thing I've heard about it was that they added more footage of Spock floating through V'Ger, with no music or dialogue.

Except Volante3192 isn't getting the liquid. And dehydration makes you sleepy.

Yup. I remember trying to make Luke and an X-Wing. I can't remember if I even got started on the X-Wing, but I do remember for a fact that I gave up on Luke because I didn't have any parts that I could use to make a minifig-scale lightsaber out of that I'd have been satisfied with. Fast forward a couple decades,

I once got so sick of hearing about how expensive the Star Wars sets were that I went through an issue of the S@H catalog and calculated the average price/piece ratio. Most expensive at the time? City.

And indeed, word is that Hasbro leaned on Lucasfilm to lean on The LEGO Company to stop selling minifig magnet packs, so the result is that all minifigs in magnet packs are now all glued to the magnets. And right before they started shipping the first black magnets, which pisses me the hell off.

So if what you're saying is true...they were going to recycle an episode of ST:TOS into the series premiere for a new series? That's kinda sad.

I can't imagine why cookware that's vulnerable to food wouldn't catch on...

Or maybe it's because most of the men in HtTYD were Scottish-Vikings.

The only thing I really want to know is how they're going to slip the Pizza Planet truck into the movie. The rest I can happily wait to see in the theater.

I found it really took a second viewing to work as a movie. The first time it was just so hard to not be thinking that it fails as a sequel to Cars to enjoy it as a standalone movie that coincidentally happens to feature some of the same characters, though often in much-reduced roles. And that's really where it

Tangled is the result of them having scrapped the original script and starting over specifically because the damsel-princess genre tends to not draw much interest from young boys (where something like Mulan is "okay" to watch), and TPatF wasn't generating any critical buzz at the time. There's a reason why my

Consider that a sonic boom is powerful enough to shatter glass at somewhat close range. Now imagine creating a sonic boom with your face. Also, there was a fighter pilot who had to eject at Mach 2 who ended up with shattered bones in all four limbs as a result of atmospheric buffetting.

If by that you mean transition from subsonic to supersonic speeds, then I can't dispute that. If you mean the only person to travel at supersonic speeds without a vehicle, then I'd like to remind you that there was a Navy/Marine pilot who blacked out at Mach 2, and woke up just soon enough before smashing his plane

I heard that if you buy the actual calendar, each month's image will slowly fade into a picture of a guy with a helicopter.

So Monroe's favorite color is red, huh? S'funny, that's the same color as blood. Yeah, I'm sure it's a coincidence.

Kid Vader was Geek. Cantina Dog is Hipster. The only reason why it works is because it turns the viewers into the Cantina crowd, arguing about which is better and doing so in a petty and viscious way. So, it works, just not in a good way.