Purple Dave

Actually, caffeine pills are one of the dirt-cheapiest ways to get a caffeine fix, depending on the brand. With 60 "cups" for about $8, No-Doz runs about $0.13 per 100mg.

C.S. Friedman, one of my favorite authors, has had a long-standing aversion to writing sequels to her books, though she doesn't appear to have any issues with trilogies (she's currently on her second). The one time she caved in and wrote a sequel to one of her books is the only book I'm kinda meh about, which

Um...that's _snake_. Not snakes. Two heads, one body, and probably only a lack of indigestion on the fact that snakes typically regurgitate their digested food. Was I seriously the only one who noticed that?

Go watch The World Is Not Enough. It's considerably shorter in that movie.

Aw, man... I was kinda hoping to read that NBC had had a change of heart and was extending the final season of Chuck. After all, you did say that all my favorite shows are back this week, but the second most interesting series on this list, to me, is NOVA. Speaking of which, my Guide says that it's followed by an

Yeah...like an episode of Parks and Rec, that was _almost_ funny.

How much mass is the Sun losing every year? We know it's happening, because every time there's a solar flare pointed in our direction, we get blasted by a solar windstorm that lights up the poles. But considering the Sun is considerably more dense than Earth, and we are constantly being told how many Earth-volumes a

Watching it, I noticed that there doesn't seem to be any objective behind the "herding", so maybe it's just that the rabbit wants to hang out with sheep, and the sheep won't have anything to do with a little thing like him.

It's got sharp, pointy teeth! And the sheep know it...

Hey, you're right! At my last job, my boss drove a panel van and his wife drove a sport-sedan. Van is totally bigger. Then when he bought a non-company vehicle for himself, it was a PT Cruiser, so still bigger.

Bite your everything. Wallace & Grommit rock.

Holy crap, I forgot about these. It's been what, at least two months now since they snuck them into an episode of Young Justice? And not a peep about them since then...at least not that I managed to catch on my DVR. So...when are these supposed to start airing regularly?

Nope. Getting raped. By a cop.

Only if it eats Leo will I watch that movie.

Newton's Wake by Ken Macleod is my favorite example of writing with no sympathetic characters. Lucinda Carlysle is the primary focal character, but she is both utterly fascinating and utterly unsympathetic. When I read that book, for the first time I found myself not caring at all about a specific outcome (no

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Zaphod and Trillian are offscreen at the moment. And nobody cares where Marvin is.

And they do tell us that it's important to recycle...

1. They're scientists. They bought them at The Science Store.

I'm having this hilarious vision of what a Veiled Chameleon-Proof Fence might look like...

Ah, so like pigeons without wings, but useful.