
Except studies have shown that Amazon fulfillment centers have a net negative effect when all the tax breaks are taken into account. Literally not worth it. 

I think they’re just an idiot.

Yeah, I think this bill isn’t going anywhere as of right now and maybe not ever but I think its being introduced mainly as a way to shift the Overton window on this issue. I have to say the acronym made me laugh, god bless Bernie, he’s about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face!

You done drunk the damn koolaid ya fucking shit witted twit.

Pull your head out of your ass.

This is a pretty important idea. I don’t think the bill goes anywhere but it’s something a ton of people don’t understand. Companies are being subsidized and laughing all the way to the bank. Republicans respond that the social safety net is the problem and then keep up a narrative that the poor job creators have such

She is a Socialist. What exactly do you think she shouldn’t “give in” on? Regardless of what you think of Bernie Sanders, the DNC does actively attempt to repress and repel the more liberal factions of the party. This is not fantasy, whereas “Bernie Bros tanked Clinton” is. 

You mean we black people? Black men didn’t vote for Trump either. And Bernie Bros was a myth. I guess she is a “Bernie Bro.” She is a Sanders type Dem who supported him. The Crowley/Clinton Dems are why we are fucked now. 

LOL it’s more like “lets piss on the Dem party base while asking those same people for support” amirite

1 in 10 Bernie supporters voted trump.

Funny how much work has gone into trying to make us forget that PUMAs existed and were really blatantly racist.

Just want to offer a gentle reminder that the idea that “Bernie Bros” voted for Trump at a rate higher than the usual primary-to-general turnover (compared to Hillary/McCain or Obama/McCain in 2008, in particular) is completely inaccurate. It just didn’t happen.

Ah yes, the problem is not the corruption, the problem is the people who exposed the corruption.

What in the fuck point are you trying make? Are you a DNC bot currently melting down? 

How naive you are!

Yes, if it’s one thing that Pelosi is known for it’s about keeping her rivals in Congress with her, lol.

Same. Her name is poison to everyone, left right and center, in the same way Paul Ryan’s is.

LOL Nancy Pelosi HATES that Ocasio-Cortez beat Crowley in the primary, and she keeps insisting that her win was a fluke.

The day Pelosi leaves government I'm throwing a huge goddamn cookout. Can't stand her. 

Nancy Pelosi will step up and force that fucker Crowley to step aside because she’s smart enough to realize how bad this looks after the Bernie/DNC fiasco.