
The girl that sings is even hotter than Judy Greer

I just found out my friend Jessica is the singing voice of Cherlene, dammit and I was already in love with her!

I will be disappointed if Will's voicemail doesn't feature Kurtwood saying, "Bitches leave…a message."

Hi Marla

Fight Club a B movie?! Fight Club should have won best picture, along with Fincher for best director


I would like to put a big sour thing in her mouth and I ain't talkin bout Nickelback!

I think Trey is letting his favorite strippers write all the episodes these days.

I was walking around The Village and she was talking to some friends of hers that was not Geena Davis, anyway, asked her if she wanted to get a drink sometime, we met up that night at Manitobas and we fucked on the air hockey table.

I've never run into Linda Rondstat in The Village, but she's not bangable anymore, Susan is

Fun fact: Susan Sarandon is the only Simpsons guest voice I have ever hit on!

Erik Adams is graceful, yet masculine…so it's ok for me to enjoy this review!

No good man I'm on the level

Oh, a GYM!

Go Gators!

Thank u for this birthday present AV Club, it's not everyone at Berry Park singing the Wall E Weasel birthday song to me last year but it's nice and Stay Forever is the song I would use for my wedding but that won't ever happen considering August 1st 2010 has already passed us by…

My lead guitar player played young Kevin Bacon in that

…it's good!

I can name at least 3 MSI songs better than this track

Will, how do u not ask her about that Don Johnson movie?