
This is not the first time Rob has forgot that point to make his narrative that Rick was in the wrong.

This “Martial Arts” argument is flat out ridiculous and shows a complete lack of knowledge in the subject.

Except for you know when they sparred and he was clearly superior.

Katharine a serious questing regarding this story: Should you not compare total money made by a film (i.e. include things like merchandising and licensing fees) versus total money spent for a film if you are going to rate it as a financial success?

I took it as Captain Boomerang rejoined when he ran out of beer shortly after he bolted.

Thats Don “The Predator” Frye 100% Grade A American Beef with a Mustache and UFC Hall of Famer

I like the Dorne plot in the books, in the show the depth is really removed. While some of it is Gotham wacky type entertainment so I don’t hate it what I really do not get is the logic of Ellaria.

Man this post is all sorts o nerd wrong.

I am going with it was her mother who dropped her off as she was being chased and then shortly after and with out telling anyone got blown to bits in space, hence everyone including her father Luke thinks she is dead.

Now I’d love if she was just a random person who lucked into greatness. Kind of how Luke was portrayed in the first movie

And despite what Rob says isnt that the actual goal?

I know some companies get mad, I think Marvel has even sued a few people they were fueding with over commisions (the ghost rider creator comes to mind.) and some artists quit the practice because of it. Other companies don’t mind and let them do as such, similar to selling the original art pages from books they worked

If I looked BA in the Batsuit I would write in it everyday to. Hell who am I kidding if I just flat out had a legit Batsuit I would do things in it, looking good or not.

Does everyone want to see Sansa win?

Yeah I enjoyed both it and the comic it was based on. Not sure why the Rockulese has a bad rap.

Theon is major character and his ordeal has been the most extreme of any Stark (yes I know he is a Greyjoy but he is essentially an adopted Stark), and both Sansa and Theon are guilty of betraying the Starks in one way or another.

We need more scenes of flaying people alive, burning and hanging small children and having rabid dogs hunt people just so there will be less uproar.

I like the show and embrace the crazy too.

Great Article.