
That moment when Holt closes his mouth when Wuntch says it is gaping… totally hilarious and subtle.

Sometimes I wonder if I should let my 9 yo boy watch this show. It isn't overly sexual or inappropriate but there are times it is on the edge for his age. However, this episode made him laugh and laugh. "Tiny head" got him every time and anything having to do with the word penis killed him. It is one reason I love

The dance skit with Martin and Radner was awesome. I really enjoyed that. I know I had seen it before a long time ago but I thought it was just great.

"How hard would it have been to have Cobblepot each a raw fish in that last scene?"

I guess I'm one of the few that enjoyed it. I actually like back stories. I didn't think the show was going to be about Batman. It seemed clear that it was going to be about Gordon & his relationship with young Bruce Wayne. I'm not knee deep into Batman lore as I've never really read the comics.

Ah thank you. I thought I was confused & missed where they knew she had been married & wouldn't be a virgin.

That moment that Randall & Claire shared… that was pretty amazing acting. You could feel the chemistry. And then when he turns on her… wow. This episode was amazing. Am I missing something - please enlighten me as I've been recovering from being sick & sometimes I fade out during the show - hasn't Claire mentioned a

I prefered the scenes where the "survivors" were having symptoms. I found those the most compelling. The little girl in the bathtub was creepy. The scenes with the marriage falling apart - what woman does that to her son? I hate her. You bring a new man into the house?

Lame. Offensive? Telling stories about women who aren't perfect? Crazy….

That moment when Poussey walks into the movie & sees Taystee hasn't saved her a seat… heartbreak. I think Poussey is my favorite character and I hope that Vee does not ruin her and break her.

If all the Kreiger clones were the same age doesn't that mean they were all cloned at the same time… and if so, how did Archer's Kreiger get to where he is at and how did the others get with Calderon? And how many are there?

Regarding this:
"So apparently Martha’s phone is being tapped by someone from the Center. This makes sense, but I think this is the first time we’ve seen evidence of it, yes? [GK]"
I thought it was more that those phone calls to Clark go to someone listening - not to an actual phone. Sure her phone is tapped but in

Sorvino was fantastic! I loved her character and would have ejoyed a couple more episodes with her.

The kids and I all burst out with, "Buuuuuud" when we saw him!

I agree with you Mike. I don't agree with The Devil. :)

Sure the show was up and down but it was a show my kids and I loved watching together. It caused my son to get in trouble for running around telling people to "suck it" and made him aware of pineapples everywhere. My daughter felt like it was the first more-adult show she could watch and it made her feel closer to me

"Bubbles up out of no where…" Well, not really. They've had their fights. A lot of them. There has been a ton of "nothing in common" themes. I wouldn't say it was out of no where at all. It seemed like the natural progression after the whole having to share a room thing. It didn't make it any less heartbreaking -


I think I've been one of the few excited for Rapaport. His accent hasn't bothered me much. Maybe I've just enjoyed him so much in other stuff that it carried right on over to this show… I think he's pretty scary actually.

In an interview with a writer (or director… can't remember who) they said the season was planned out before OITNB and when it came out they considered re-writing that whole thing but then decided against it. So they didn't copy it.