Yeah, hasn’t he said stuff along these lines explicitly?
Yeah, hasn’t he said stuff along these lines explicitly?
yeah but if you just ignore science for a second, you’ll see how this all makes sense.
Yeah, seems like a critical detail to mess up.
So, is one of those clickfarm websites that autogenerates news from other sources, right? It definitely isn’t associated with Fox News. And none of the articles have bylines, and they all read a little off. Also it’s like 75% ads.
Counterpoint from someone living in Ohio:
It wasn’t live, but it was aired anyway. You can find it on the internet pretty easily if you are so inclined for whatever reason.
In Gen 3 you can’t teach Magikarp any moves using TMs or HMs. So the only moves Magikarp had at its disposal were the moves it learned naturally- Splash, Tackle, and Flail.
This equivalency only works if
Aside from endorsements and stuff like that, speaking engagements are a big source of income for professional climbers and mountaineers.
Even better, he didn’t sit those eight minutes, he was ejected for picking up a second technical foul with 8 minutes remaining in the game.
It really can’t be stressed enough how quickly that Jason Whitlock rant goes from a thesis that I generally agree with to some straight up Alex Jones shit. One second, the digital divide is hurting civil discourse, and the next second, Twitter bots are controlling all of our thoughts.
Do all of the first ladies have their portraits hung? I don’t remember this being the case, but I also haven’t done a tour there in years.
I don’t know why I feel the need to stick up for any of the Trumps, but I doubt he spends enough time in DC to make any friends there. Besides, Minecraft is the only friend he needs.
a DCCC official told the Huffington Post on Monday that they felt early intervention would have been “extremely damaging” to Thompson, who they argued was performing well because he’d stayed under-the-radar. But “now that the race is being nationalized, and the involvement of a national party committee can’t be used…
And even then, don’t you sort’ve know what you’re getting into when you’re playing for money against Phil Mickelson? I’m not really sure it’s hustling at that point.
It’s always impressed me when listening to Simmons’ podcast that of all the random bloggers and old gambling buddies Simmons has on to talk about football that Lombardi, someone who was once the GM of an actual NFL* franchise, consistently is in the bottom 2 for actual football insight.
I’m a total party pooper, but I’m guessing it’s a glasses case.
I think it was made just for tweeting this video out again, so it’s intended. Still hilarious, though.
My only experience with the effects of video game betting were through Starcraft. I never bet myself but the scene has (or had, I haven’t followed the scene in quite some time) a huge problem with match fixing as a result of video game betting. Players who would otherwise be heavily favored would be paid to throw…
I can’t wait for the Bills to let Tyrod go because he’s too expensive only to pay Mike Glennon almost as much per year for a fraction of the talent.