
You lost me with your last point. There’s no way that he gains more fans from coming out as a huge homophobe than he loses.

I think it depends where you live. I grew up in Western New York and there were both coed and girl exclusive hockey leagues for kids, both house and travel. But of course this was also Western New York, which is essentially Canada in terms of hockey enthusiasm. I live in the Midwest now and while I’m not involved

It’d be amazing if it had become a hit, but even with an original beat, I don’t think it’d make it. At seven minutes long and with no hook, it’s just not built like a hit.

I’m gonna ignore the part where you said “famous” and add Tyler Ennis, recently traded for Lakers PG, and Tyler Ennis, C for the Buffalo Sabres to the list of different athletes with the same name.

I’m not trying to denigrate The Office- I love The Office, too. Instead of saying Office reruns, I should’ve said something like, “watching The Office on Netflix for the seventh time”. The first time, it brings something new to the table and has a lot to say, but by the time you’ve watched it a half dozen times,

Seems like you’re expecting streaming to be more than it is. It’s not The Wire or The Godfather. It’s The Office reruns and game shows. It’s not trying to be thought provoking or have lasting value. When I watch a stream, I’m just looking for something to put on and watch passively as some guy or gal that’s mildly

Too be fair, I don’t think the hypothetical ballot between Warren and “generic Democrat” is an apples-to-apples comparison. “Generic Democrat” is a person who you can project your beliefs and preconceived notions of what a “generic Democrat” is. You’re not exposed to all of their imperfections and inconsistencies in

For me it’s not that much different from having the TV on or watching Netflix. It’s not exactly active content but it’s nice to mellow out on after a day of work, or to have on my second monitor while I do something else.

Also, thank you for using “wheelchair-user” to refer to wheelchair users. Probably you do just because you know someone who is, but it still is extremely nice to see. People can call themselves bound if they want, but tend to underestimate just how disheartening hearing that applied to you as if using a wheelchair

Unless you live in an alternate America where no one becomes President if enough people abstain, all you did by refusing to vote because no one “earned” your vote is tell the world you’re too immature to make difficult decisions for yourself and that you need others to do it for you.

He clearly should’ve been running down the clock but from a procedure viewpoint I don’t blame Dan Quinn too much for not stepping in- presumably Kyle Shanahan has successfully run this offense for 18 and 3/4 games, backseat driving in the 4th quarter of a Super Bowl that you’re winning by 2 touchdowns is probably

Matt Bryant was 7/8 from between 30-39 and 9/9 from 40-49 this year. Wherever it ends up it’s not exactly a low percentage kick for him.

Not in this case, because I can decouple “good friend” from “good choice to become leader of the free world”

Given that it’s pretty common knowledge that Brees is getting as much money as he can at the Saints’ expense I’m assuming shellandflame was being facetious and using the Saints as a counterexample. 

Are there screencaps of the girlfriends’ tweets? Feels like they’d be relevant here.

I feel like he has realized that. Ever since his show got cancelled his writing/podcasting output has gone up.

I don’t know anything about this recruit but it’s possible he thinks he could get more playing time at UCLA.

Were they though? They were a national poll that showed trump ahead 2 points. I’m on mobile so I can’t search for it right now but the prediction they made for Hillary was her winning 300+ EVs. So really, they were twice as wrong as most outlets which polled nationally and predicted the EV total, because most polls

I was coming down here to write this myself. To blame Nate Silver for calling the election wrong lacks so much nuance. First, because he was more accurate than most or all of the other analytics folks, both in level of certainty, but also in laying out the possibilities that would lead to a Trump election. Want to