
Depends on what angle you want to examine holograms? I mean there’s the obvious, “Technology at the time of filming.”. There is also the artistic license of the director, where and how he was inspired to convey this information. There is also the intention of diffusing a message/person into something that is clearly

I think the general order is fine, but why I comment is because I disagree. Empire is definitely #1, but Return is #2. While A New Hope started everything, I find it’s pacing and lack of content enough to knock it down to #3. Additionally I would put A Phantom Menace above Attack of the Clones. Why? While they’re both

I like that Kotaku is doing personal top 10s rather than collective, or arbitrary repetitive lists(looking at you Gamespot).

That’s why I don’t keep my credit card info saved on Steam. I don’t trust Valve much anymore.

The mystery was ok, they really could have tightened it up to three or four episodes and I think it could have been a show I could recommend. As it stands, yeah there’s far too much fluff to keep the show compelling. However, I’m pretty sure it’s opening is my favorite of the year, and really what kept me coming back

For the most part the past few years have continued to decline in general interest and inventiveness on Valve’s part to make these sales exiting, “Hey here’s some cards, a few ok sales, and I don’t know, shift around the same 20 games on flash sale as we did six months ago?”

It wasn’t in my screening of Star Wars in 3D. Maybe the trailers are by theater or region?

Oh god, I’m so jealous of the trailers that you got. I think we got the Zootopia rip-off from the Despicable Me studio, The Jungle Book, Independence Day 2, and something else less than memorable. Why couldn’t we have Civil War and Zootopia(which until I saw that trailer I didn’t think I was interested in that film)?

No, they’re not necessary for watching Ep 7.

Yeah I didn’t think the story was more than a serviceable return to familiar(as one review said “Star Wars as made by committee”), but felt the characters(Rey, Finn, Poe), did a good enough job that I felt invested in them for whatever happens in Ep8.

1. I’m not very good at recognizing music unless it’s lacking or doesn’t really fit. I didn’t notice the music so I found it worked with the movie.

Don’t you get a Gauss rifle from the Railroad for completing one of the quests? Or maybe it’s a random thing. All I know is I got a Gauss rifle at the Railroad HQ for free.

The one I saw on Netflix was much more dynamic(especially the scene of the three mains under the studio lights marching in place), but that may be based on the BD version.

Bones seems to always have the best opening songs. I think half the reason I watched the first season of Noragami was because of that song and opening animation.

Obviously this was over a short weekend so there wasn’t much time to learn to pick up the game, but even knowing how to flank a Bastion doesn’t make it easier to actually flank one. My own experiences playing and against Bastion, it is by far the hardest character to take out. I wouldn’t call it OP as it takes a

Oh god that is exactly why I love Johanna so much.

It’s an odd show. On one hand it itches the scratch I’ve had for modern tech facing a fantasy world similar to Stargate, but on the other hand, it spends too much time in our world with wacky hijinxs than fleshing out characters or the fantasy world and how it’ll now function with such a huge player on the scenes. I

Oh man that’s great stuff. Now all I need is some horns(and maybe a piano?) up front and it’d be perfect.