You know, while you were grabbing all that duct tape I was wondering why you didn’t grab the vegetable starch, it is worth 5 adhesive, that’s stuff is like gold!
You know, while you were grabbing all that duct tape I was wondering why you didn’t grab the vegetable starch, it is worth 5 adhesive, that’s stuff is like gold!
It has made me need to move my intelligence up to 9 just so I can grab the perk to up the efficiency of fusion cores. But yeah it’s more like the hulkbuster armor, I’ve really only used it thus far to clear out raiders from the factory, and it was amazing to go through ignoring machine guns to the face and tear up the…
It looked nice, and started out promising, but man did it go off all the wrong tracks by the end. No real character development, all of the villains are so obtuse, and the system of law this universe lives in makes zero sense. Considering other work by Seiji Kishi and Makoto Uezu this isn’t particularly surprising,…
Mentioning Overwatch in terms of MOBAs makes me think how interesting a game mode would be in HotS or LoL that when you die, you can switch out for another class. A game of shifting heroes keeps everyone on their toes, you never know who might appear when you kill someone.
I really want to start watching it. With Mari Okada and Tatsuyuki Nagai at the helm, I really couldn’t expect it to be anything but awesome. I’m holding out because I fear if I start now, I’ll start to suffer withdrawals until each and every episode comes out.
I had one game I played against an Abathur, literally twice Abathur came out to slap me. I mean the second time we were at the core and taking it down, so why not? But the other time there was no reason for him to come out and slap me, as he died pretty quickly. btw I was nearly full health both times so it really…
I know it’s not unique to it, but reading this, I couldn’t shake off how much this sounds like Mormonism. Like a good Christian shouldn’t drink, and the idea of complimentary sexism. Looking at the treatment of women in Utah really emphasizes this(women are below men in graduating from college, making $.70 to the $1…
I find G2 has some ink issues. Sometimes it won’t output any ink, and being left handed the ink doesn’t dry fast enough for me to enjoy entirely without writing really weird to avoid the smear. But when it works it’s super smooth, rich black/blue ink do make it a pretty great pen.
I find G2 has some ink issues. Sometimes it won’t output any ink, and being left handed the ink doesn’t dry fast…
This show was promising at first, but with the main character being OP and the adolescent bickering between the two female demons of who will marry was a slogfest to get through. Worse it never ended and we’re left to wonder how he got to this new world and if he’ll see any actual human players again. And…
Honestly this reminds me more of Starcraft(Terrans only of course) in looks and sound than Firefly. Less spaghetti western and more southern/redneck butt-rock.
I’m sure this has been voiced before, but I doubt learning stick in a racing simulator is much like driving an actual car with stick. I also think that sitting and learning to shift gears in a parking lot is a lot less distracting than at speeds of 90 mph through a race course.
I was always afraid of that, and then I got a Subaru with hill-assist. Admittedly by that time I didn’t have to worry, but man it’s nice to have none the less.
There’s so much going on this fall I’ve been losing my MIND. Fallout 4, Blizzcon, RWBY Volume 3, and Jessica Jones just to name a few.
I was really wanting to like A Girl Walks Home Alone. But I found it boring, lacking in substance and characters.
It still unfortunately suffers from AOE characters dominating, but hopefully the lower health pool of the boss will make the third one less devastating(I can’t tell you how many games that the first two bosses do little, but whoever got the third steamrolled the rest of the game. And the potential of reliably kiting…
For me, I liked the way it was gated. Yeah not having all the talents wasn’t great, but early on it doesn’t take too long to get to level four to unlock all but the second Ult(which really depends on the character if you’ll need it right away), especially since you’ll have the 50% friend boost. Besides that, having…
Haha probably, though the Dragon Quest one actually looks pretty good.
I’ve already seen simplified energy reactors, and I’m sure there’s a dumbed down mod for a fusion reactor. But can’t wait to see someone create a workable prototype for one in whatever Minecraft is in the future.
First they made a working calculator, then a CPU, and a graphing calculator. Now comes the Gameboy. Soon, the entire world!