Puppet's Puppet

Three. And they're relief from pain, stains, and acne, so you don't even need to bother asking.

You have slashed two portmanteaus. You're giving me a fan headache!

I read the Esquire interview a couple years back, and I just felt bad for the guy. Either he's incredibly insecure about his looks, or the interviewer (they are after all experts at controlling these things) is deliberately portraying it that way. Which I don't think so, because (despite putting in the part where he

…yeah, I'm not really sure where to start here.

I know about these declarations. This is why I said "in the American sense," especially with respect to what is immediately under threat by the Trump-Sessions administration. There is a lot of functional difference between any of these "sanctuary cities" and what we have seen in many American locales thus far.

I used to sarcastically declare myself an "oxygenie." But, really, there's nothing new about having a shorter and less overtly haughty way of essentially saying you have more sophisticated taste in food than the average person does (or a shorter and less overtly gross way of saying you like to eat more than the

Perhaps he should instead be the Minister of Justice of Canada—where the idea of a "sanctuary city" in the American sense has never been remotely on the table; public policy and public opinion is rather hawkish on undocumented immigration; and, despite some very showy (and, yes, rather important) generosity toward the

I believe that was My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancé, of which Boss was the sequel.

Oh, yeah. Obviously a fictitious example, unlike the above, but completely fucking accurate, and accurate going back millennia. Also, one of the most entertaining films out there!

My understanding is that it is, at least, the way people think about Mr. Johnson. Americans have always been, among the world's peoples, uniquely "moralistic" (and therefore, some might say, more than a bit naive) about their reality shows, but at this point they seem to be thoroughgoing "smarts" enough as viewers (to

It's called the "Mediterranean marriage pattern," although it's common in that whole "ancient, swarthy peoples" area, and it is old as fuck. For a great recent example, check out (you should anyway) the all-around awesome Independent Lens documentary Shayda, about a young woman who is into karate but faces the

Don't forget the one-season Joe Millionaire, where the dude was supposedly rich but was actually a "construction worker." (He was revealed in the press to actually be a "male model." But not like the handsome kind that walks the catwalks of Milan, but the kind who only poses in shiny-banana-hammock catalogs. Which is

You are over your character limit yet again, Mr. McMullin.

Yeah, I don't get it myself. From the way y'all been talking, you'd think the guy looked like Pete Doherty, had the charm and personal habits of Pete Doherty, and had the career prospects of…anyone who's worked with Pete Doherty. Look at him, he even takes care of himself ( https://www.flickr.com/phot… ). Good for

Whoa, I am not ready for this shit! I am just barely getting over the trauma of seeing Hawaii Five-O rebooted as Hawaii Five-0.

So you're, like, more than ten? Come on, dude, no need making us feel that old!

As has been mentioned over and over, it wasn't a promising task to flesh out those nameless dick-bumpers into real characters. But I always got a kick out of the oddly specific decision to make them Yemeni Jews. Their immersive indulgence in American club culture was not discouraged at all during their (very

I hear ya, fellow rabid 5E fan. I do the same thing with mine. Then she's all, "You know, you don't have to wear the wig and the white strappy thing too; that wasn't even the same character. People are moving to other lines and asking for the manager. Again." Chicks, right?

This is true! Brain/Switch would have just been trite, stupid, and unrealistic. Face/Off was pure, inspired genius.

Generally speaking, the most effective art does not make its agenda (if any) too obvious. And it's definitely to Ghostbusters's credit that, even after rewatching it interminable times as an adult, it never really occurred to me that Ramis's agenda was to promote belief in libertarianism, and I certainly never dreamed