Puppet Courtier

I see very little difference in blaming mental illness vs blaming “toxic masculinity” - oh, it’s not his fault, it’s <insert mental illness here> / it’s the culture of toxic masculinity. Maybe he’s just an asshole. Maybe the way he acts isn’t his ex-girlfriend’s fault, or his bookie’s fault, or society’s fault, or the

Thank you for saying this. As someone who worked in mental health for years, I get so annoyed by seeing people thinking they can just arbitrarily label someone a “sociopath” (which hasn’t been an actual diagnosis in years), narcissist, or whatever other mental health diagnosis they know the name of.

I think the fact that says a bit more about you then anything. First things first in what way is 2B a “Sex robot” just because something is sexy doesn’t make them a “Sex robot” her outfit is clearly fanservice but hardly anything we haven’t seen in North American productions before either or Platinum games

For all the praise of this game, I just can’t get past the ridiculous main characters. Who is chomping at the bit to play a sex robot? With a katana? And the main developer wears a mask all the time? I just...wtf Japan?

But in a court of law, a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. So if you can’t prove guilt, he’s innocent. What is the difference?

Why would they, when there’s a perfectly good chance to shame a victim and their grieving family?!

Can’t let these opportunities slip by!!!! /s

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

I’m sorry, but he’s clearly a terrible choice. He clearly has human-sized feet, a normal number of teeth, and a spine that doesn’t twist like a cat’s. How can he possibly play Cable?

Oh is that a campaign mode?

lol, some people are so insecure and defensive in response to someone who makes the choice to not have kids...

As a new dad (3 months old) all I can say is... good choice. JK...kind of.

Reason #286 that I’ll never have children.

If your data is important enough that just wiping your drive and starting over is a scary idea, then you should have a proper 3-2-1 backup system in place. Then ransomware is just an inconvenience.

That Tank image is from Dominion Tank Police, not Ghost in the Shell, but delivers the point just fine of how much his art has changed.

Well, when you dress up and make your living being something that people are instinctually afraid of (see various studies on the subject, e.g. the 2008 Sheffield study that shows most children dislike clowns, studies that found high overlap between qualities people consider “creepy” and those possessed by clowns...),

John Wayne Gacy.

You know who is never fun at a party?

You know what?

Like I said at the time, if you’re 50 fucking yards away behind hard cover and wearing body armor you can chill for a bit and assess the situation. If you freak out under those conditions and spray the scene with bullets you have no business being a cop.

There are WAY too many names in this story to wrap my head around at the moment. But...