Puppet Courtier

The lesson is to not part ways with money you don’t mind never seeing again. That’s how it’s always been with crowdfunding.

It will eventually get made & CBS will stick it behind a paywall with little or no announcement. When it does not premiere to “Prime Time” numbers, they will cancel it.

Eh.....no it still looks pretty cheesy. It may only seem slightly less because it’s in 2 second clips of scenes.

Well, they HAVE met before. 

If we can’t get a Spidey / Deadpool meeting, I’d love to see a Spidey / Punisher meeting.

My roommate always says Taurine in drinks make it taste like moose piss. But he like grape drinks so he has no sense of taste anyway.

There’s a good reason not to own it: You only need 1 copy for every 4 players and the game is boring as fuck.

There’s a good reason not to own it: You only need 1 copy for every 4 players and the game is boring as fuck.


The only reason I can think of to not own Catan is that Catan is actually not a very good game.

The only reason I can think of to not own Catan is that Catan is actually not a very good game.

Hot take: GaMERCaT would be much better if all the cats were replaced with dogs.

Why? Well, every Targaeryan was killed but 4 when Jon Snow went to the wall. Two had fled (Dany and her brother), one was kept secret (Jon), and the last and final?

I mean, it’s possible he thought Jon would be protected there, and was guarding him not as a future savior but as a promise to his sister. I don’t know if Ned thought Jon had a bigger destiny as the PtwP (I don’t remember if the old gods followers believed in that). Plus, Ned was a big believer in men making their own

Who the fuck ARE these people?!

I believe the fees were eliminated post 9/11. They’re trying to bring them back and double them.

Former military here, if I recall correctly this would just extend the time you are paying. When I was in (about 20 years ago), you paid $100 a month for the first year. This would add another year.

I agree.

It made sense on the original trilogy. A despotic leader seized power and ruled by fear. But once the Empire got defeated, and now you got the New Order I wonder why anyone would join them, follow them, when there is an alternative. On that regard TFA did a poor job on showing a compelling reason about why would some

No, he’s got it correct.