Puppet Courtier

You asked me if I needed any equipment before this adventure and I said no; but I need material components for all my spells, so I cast Mordenkainen’s Faithful Watchdog!

There’s nothing to attack here, why do you want to cast magic missile?

I wanna cast “Magic Missile”.

So never have kids then, gotcha.

I agree. The only reason I know this is D.va is because they told me it was supposed to be her. She’s a bit sassy and girly, I imagine those traits would remain even if she ditches the obnoxious internet slang and preoccupation with bunnies. She is a member of the military, where is her unit? She’s a colorful

I feel like with about half the re-imagining fan-art of things a lot of artists don’t quite get the character they’re trying to portray. They just conveniently redraw things in their own style and call it a re-imagining.

Like D.Va REALLY isn’t a loner of a character. She wouldn’t be working on a mech by herself. If

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

...everyone knows you’re playing wrong if you don’t pick Jennifer Hale’s FemShep.

Kaiju and Anne in one movie...i’m in!

MLA style, my dude. You’re stuck on AP.

They could do a whole Star Wars Origins trilogy! And it could dive into everyone’s backstory’s, and it could show how Obiwan and Anakin first met, and then we could see Anakin’s training and his fall to the dark side and how he became Darth Vader, and maybe we could see where the Emperor came from and the fall of the

Yes and no. I think he was always intended to be who he was. The finer details were just never fleshed out.

If by “intentionally vague,” you mean “didn’t exist because someone else hadn’t written the story yet.”

Now playing

They should just totally leave it hanging like they initially did with the Klingons in DS9:

Here’s a sample of my Rocket League coverage:

I really wish he’d just stopped after saying super-hero movies weren’t his thing... because his argument for why sort of works against a large part of the films he is best known for.

the thin, gossamer tight-rope of the non-reality of the situation

Is there a conspiracy that turned TED Talks into extended sales pitches for the speaker’s books?

Don’t you think the trunks are a bit outdated? No one in comics wear them anymore.