I mean, Keanu is in it, how bad can it be?
I mean, Keanu is in it, how bad can it be?
I’m curious too considering a 720S does a sub 10s pass on semi slicks.
What tires are being used? I know this was built for hillclimb but weren’t the S1's able to sprint from 0-60 on gravel in under 2s?
It is all about recharging time. Until it can match gas and go, then it isn’t going to be practical for most people. Early adopters and enthusiasts are willing to make lifestyle changes, but for most people? Nah, an electric car has to fit in the same neat box as regular cars. And it doesn’t, not yet. Household…
Yeah you can get a brand new GTI for not much more than this.
FYI, that was a run on “medium” boost. She wasn’t even turned up.
They are just racing the clock. Time starts when you trip the lights for this race.
Three minute video for a 10 second race... awesome!
Here’s one at Goodwood. Driver tells people earlier in video that he has 3000 hp and 1600 lbs of weight.
Went better than I expected
I haven’t been this hyped for a game since No Man’s Sky. I hope for everyone’s sake, this turns out a lot better.
And here’s what happens when you put a drag racer on a road course.
1- Its beyond illegal here and at risk of getting crushed any day from the FEDS, let alone trying to insure the damn thing (It was a huge hassle to insure my LEGALLY imported Galant VR4 for anything other than driving it to and from shows, plus all the insurers wanted to see the import paperwork such as bond release,…
18 years old, German car cost-of-ownership, performance specs in the neighborhood of a Civic, and for $24,000?
Lets see... Out of warranty Audi.... Out of warranty performance Audi. Out of warranty performance Audi with questionable legality...
Perfect mower for the guy who lives his life one 1/4 acre at a time.
Hey now, that lawnmower can actually cut grass. The “Camry” can’t haul five geriatrics to Bingo.
Well... if it can cut grass, it’s a lawnmower. It can cut grass.
Wakes up in a cold sweat and suddenly realizes all their lawn mower accomplishments amounted to nothing.