
@Godmars: That game would be awesome to play on Kinect. They could even have a Kinect lightbike game with it...

Crush! Kill! Destroy! Crush! Kill! Destroy!

Wait, I thought XNA was Microsoft's cross platform programming language of choice...

Let's redo the Wraith of Khan again...

@p0tet: I am kind of with you thinking that it is fake. The picture quality looks too good, too clear. My friend has a Kinect and the picture quality in the video mode is no where near that clear no matter how much light you use.

@Jandau: It just goes to show that the developers working for Microsoft don't know jack. It just goes to show you all the waste potential of Kinect. The only way Kinect will survive is through hackers.

I think they are going to make a major announcement about the PS4.

I hate to say it but I don't know why women stay with lowlifes like this. They oughta throw the mom in jail too. She could have prevented this from happening by moving out with her daughter. This poor girl was failed by both her parents...

@CougarAries: Too bad Apple can't add Kinect functionality to their OS before Microsoft can add it to Windows. Steve Jobs would have the last laugh on Microsoft then.

Being 5'6" I would wear these things around 24/7. I have ALWAYS wanted to be tall...

It looks like dirty toilet water...

I think hackers are going to Kinect up to its true potential. I don't think any of the Microsoft developers know what they are doing.

I own a Kinect unit and I don't see how someone in an apartment can own one unless you live on the first floor. If you have anyone underneath you, they are not going to like all the banging noise from people jumping up and down playing Kinect Adventure. I can't imagine people in Japan being any different. They just

@Black Knight Rebel: Let's hope they learn from the mistakes of the Sonic Riders dev team and not repeat them.

This might work if we were all able to hook up to Internet II. Our current internet is way too slow for something like this.

I love the idea but isn't 60 frames per second pretty low quality?

@Kenny: Why does is always have to be a black one??

In this instance I will let others more knowledgeable comment on this subject. ..