
I think the $150 retail price is mostly hardware costs, software development costs, and advertising costs. Hopefully, this will help keep the costs down for the next version of Kinect on the Xbox III.

I sure miss playing games like this and Halo Reach. No time with a wife and kids. I guess that is back to Kinect Adventure for me...

Everybody loves the schoolgirls...

I am hoping some day that we will see Steam integration on platforms like the XBox. I think Steam and XBL can coexist side by side quite nicely.

The free online game play through PSN wins every time. Can I have a high-five, please?

Thanks for posting this story! I wish the development team at Microsoft could read this. I would probably make all their hard work worth it.

This looks like an accident waiting to happen on so many levels...

@InsidiousTuna: I guess that you have never tried the Move and you like bright shiny objects.

@michael25: No, because the EyeToy can do the same thing that Kinects can but the EyeToy was first.

Kinect is a good example of how dumb the public is. The idiots that buy Kinect probably easily distracted by bright shiny objects as well...

Ha, ha. I have several unopened packs of 35mm film laying around. I will have get them out and show this trick to my kids.

Wow! Why so many hatin' on the Apple?? I am sure all you haters listen to iPod and talk on iPhone. Have some freaking respect. I am sure that Steve Jobs did not see the potential in the technology offered by PrimeSense. I am sure that Apple has bigger things in the works for everyone. Apple has long be in the

Too bad it did not autoload this pictures to his Facebook account. I think you have to manually pick which photos it will upload. By the way, are there any reviews by naked female reviewers?

@anitesh.jaswal: I'd be surprised if Steve Jobs does not try to put out a commercial trashing Kinect. This just screams for a new Apple commercial with the Mac Guy and the Microsoft Guy...

I have found that Kinect is just unplayable when my 2 year old and 4 year old are in the room. They constantly run in front of me which confuses the controller. They also stand in front of me and wave their right hand which takes control away from me. I can only use Kinect when the kids are sleeping/napping. There

I am thinking that Apple and Nintendo both thought the PrimeSense technology wasn't that great. Otherwise, either company would have just bought out PrimeSense for its technology and patents. Since Apple passed on PrimeSense, it really should give everyone doubts about it...

@trunkenmath: I am predicting a more power version of Kinect will appear on the Xbox III. Now that Kinect is in production, it will lower the cost of producing a more powerful version for the Xbox III. Microsoft also needs to give you a reason to upgrade to the Xbox III, a more powerful Kinect controller could be

@jinlee: Good point. I was a lot beater skater in my teens. Now in my mid forties I have a huge fear of falling that I did not have in my younger days. Considering that I have a wife and two toddlers to support, I don't take risks when I skate. I can't afford to get seriously hurt or break something.

Definitely, help.