
Let's talk about the PS3 and Move. Anyone else having sell outs in their town too this weekend? The Best Buy in my town said they are now on back order.

@mbk337: It certainly became bargain bin fodder faster than anyone expected. Ha, ha. Microsoft showcased this game at E3 a couple years and it crashed & burned.

Over hyped by the media Alan Wake was a big flop on the 360. If they released a game like this 8 bit version, the developer may not have lost his pants.

Unimpressive. Not much of a bow if you ask me. They should bow down to waist level.

I thought fat people wearing low rise pants were bad. Can you imagine fat chicks spraying this stuff on? Shiver me timbers!

@Ryodestined: I doubt that Sony will allow them to port their Wii shovelware over. Sony has always had a high bar for its PS3 games. If these Wii ports don't measure up then they ain't getting ported.

@Gwydeon: Ha, ha, ha! That is "IF" Microsoft supports Kinects that long! Microsoft may see how dismal their sales are and do another cut and run just like their lousy Kin smartphone. Ha, ha!

Has anyone heard anything new about the Android/Playstation phone? I was wondering if this is still in development.

No way am I watching this. Saying this movie is better than the last three is not say much. The last three Shyamalan movies have stunk.

I predict that Sony will be dubbed the winner of TGS just like they swept E3. Nintendo will be 2nd and Microsoft will be forever 3rd.

Pretty much all the stores in my area competely sold out. The Best Buy, GameStop, Fry's, and Walmart are all sold out. It sounds like Sony has a hit on their hands at least in my area. I talked to the managers at a couple of my local GameStops. They both said that preorders for the Move were strong but no one

@bakagaijin: Highly unlikely. Ubisoft needs game sale to make a profit. With development cost as high as they are multi-platform is the only way to make a profit.

So Half-Life is basically a War of the Worlds game?

Those screen shots from the PS3 look great!

@Dennen: What do you mean exclusive?? I heard all along that this was going to be on the PS3 Move.

Seeing this video just crushed all my expectations about this game. Lame. Lame. Lame. Although the PS3 Move version will totally kick butt.

Yes. The PS3 Move is superior the to 360's Kinect controller. Kinect can only detect general movements not fine movements like the Move. You can bet the Sony will not drop support for the Move which Microsoft will do when Kinect sales turn out to be lousy. Microsoft is know for cutting and running just like their