
Here are MY E3 rankings.

@mxpxboy: I think the reason the 360 did not have an HDMI port or wifi was cost to the consumer. Microsoft wanted to keep the production cost of the 360 down to make it more affordable.

This is the same problem Sony had with the dominating the TV market and dominating the portable music market with their Walkman. Sony is lousy at defending their market dominance. Personally, I want all three companies to battle it out neck and neck. The result is great new technology innovations for the consumer. It

Everyone that I know with an Xbox bought those games up. Thumbs up to a great promotion.

Now if we could only have a Kinect version of Geometry Wars...

Don't forget. Prime Sense had first approached Nintendo about use of their recognition software. Nintendo passed on it and Microsoft quickly snatch it up to develop Kinect. Maybe Trinen and Miyamoto are seeing what could have been a Nintendo product.

One plus about the new VideoKinect is that you do not have to use your headset to converse. That is the biggest drag about the current 360's video chat system.

@FriarNurgle: The Kinect makes you look like a total tool.

Look at the size of that chem trail!! The government is trying to kill us all!

Thanks for the heads up! I will bring drum of Clorox wipes with me and throughly sterilize the surrounding area.

Isn't bacon meat candy anyway?

Wow! It is just like casting a spell on phone. Poof!!

@crystalpepsi: Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't it reported previously that a HD movie download will take 1.5GB? Where is an unsecured wifi connection when you need one?

What good is a 66% pay increase if you don't have anytime to spend it and enjoy it? Now if they increase the hourly pay and decreased the hours that would make a difference.

@Stealth_chill: Most of the major game developers are creating games for the Natal. This is a huge difference from the 360 camera which I own too.

Many have tried to bash Nintendo but they have all since ended up on the ash heap of history (like SEGA!).

$150 wouldn't be so bad if they bundled it with a halfway decent game.

I bought my PS3 because I didn't want the RROD. Nuff said.