
I don't think that you can use the finder's keep defense here. Someone had to know that it belonged to Apple. This is why a pawn shop would not have touched this iPhone with at ten foot pole. In addition, Apple could file damages against Kotaku for releasing information about the iPhone without their authorization.

Tony Hawk. The introduction of the board controller was actually a step back from an already tired franchise.

Here is hoping that Sega brings over the original Seaman game to the 360. In fact they should make a Natal version of Seaman. That would be sweet!

Sorry but Microsoft has lost my business totally. The 360 is a POS and I am not buying the Xbox 3when it is released. I am going Sony PS4 all the way...

@variableidentity01: The 360 is a POS and everyone knows it. The failure rate of 360 is unacceptable. While the failure rate for the PS3 is pretty low. I hate people who think that RROD is only a "minor problem".

@EyeR8: Come to Sacramento. You can't find single on in stock anywhere but we have just piles of 360's.

@EyeR8: I have had a 360 since launch and it is a total piece of junk. XBL is a total rip off. After I bought my PS3, I turned my 360 into a door stop.

@tonicmole: I agree. I don't think that I am going buy a Xbox III. Next time I am waiting for the PS4.

Microsoft probably sold 40 million to 20 million people who had 360 that died from RROD. 40 million is nothing compared to sales of the PS3 in Japan alone. It is no wonder there are stock piles of 360 at every store but no one has a PS3 in stock.

I'd get the bonus and the quit. That is as long as they do not include strings with their bonuses.

@mruler360: I heard that Tester the first phase of Sony opening up a whole entertainment channel on PSN. I guess they are working on some more original content which would later be expanded out into a PSN channel.

I thought that Sony Entertainment was already working on something like this for PSN. Is Microsoft ripping Sony off again?? I think Sony's PSN and Microsoft XBL are working on becoming an alternative to network TV and cable/satellite. There are billions of adverting dollars out there, Sony and Microsoft was a

If that sensor array needs it own power source, it must drag a lot of ergs. Anyone know if it will have its own processor??

If this kid wants to expose himself then he should go to [chatroulette.com] where he will be appreciated by his peers.

The dad is squarely at fault. It is the dad's fault for buying him a 360 which lead to the weed. It probably would have never happened if he had a PS3.

That is about all the 360 is good for is entertaining babies. Lucky, they did not give her a PS3 controller.

A lot of good maps and a lot of good times.

No Fear....

It warms my heart to see that people are shooting and killing right up the bleedin' end. That is the best way to honor the end of XBL1. It should not go quietly into the night, rather in the blaze of gunfire and exploding grenades . I salute you all!

GOW is overrated. The graphics are not that good. It doesn't hold a candle to KillZone on the PS3.