
I have a ton of XBL arcade games and I refuse to repurchase them. This is just freaking stupid. I say. Find a way to make it work. Don't shake us down again!

It is just a PDA with a faster processor and more memory. And they said they that PDA were dead. HA!

@ca$h is Mr. Happy: I agree. What else is the guy going to say if he wants to keep his job in this economy.

@surft: I will eat my PS3 if Natal is a success. Natal is going to be a brilliant failure.

@MikeRox: What? You don't think this is Microsoft's last console??

@Hongo: I agree. 360 games sales are just dismal compared to the PS3. Keep it up Microsoft!

This guy deserves a pat on the back for not giving up. Hopefully, all secrets will be revealed.

I was always surprised at how my old AA battery operated 3 MP Olympus performs as good if not better than my 10 MP Casio. As clunky as my old Olympus is, I think it still takes great pictures.

And I thought the RRD was bad. Sheesh!

I concur. This is the exact reason IE is our office standard. We run a lot of Oracle applications which are built specifically for IE. It costs too much money to test and modify our Oracle applications to run on Firefox.

Another reason that I like desktops is that they have a longer life than laptops. After a few years of abuse most of my laptops that I pretty much die. Laptops for me are secondary PC in my house.

Hey, Isn't that the NUMA NUMA guy from YouTube??

I recommend DVD Catalyst or DVD Catalyst GT. Both programs are great for ripping DVDs down to iPods, PDA, or any mobile device. You can download a trial copy of the this program from CNet's [download.com] web site. This program can also be used to convert any video down to a size playable on a mobile device. Copy

What a sad story. The Dreamcast was truly Sega's golden age. Since Sega was acquisition, its software titles have lost the creativity found under Okawa's direction.

Is the natal just going to be another gimmick from Microsoft? Only time will tell...

I still have two fairly new Sony VCRs are home so I am sitting fat and happy! However, there are tons of VCS and CRT monitors to be had every weekend at your local garage sales. Did I tell you that I also have a laser disc player and a Realistic 8-track player as well?

Microsoft may have beat it to death but at least they gave him a free one month of XBL card for dinging up his 360...

It is good to see that so many people did the sensible thing. Boycotting a game for PC users would only be hurting themselves. I stopped PC gaming a few years ago after I could afford to continually upgrading my PC. Consoles are nice but I miss gaming on the PC.

I have played plenty of online PC games which were utterly ruined by hackers and cheaters. I am glad that Microsoft is banning them from XBL. Hacker with their invincible cheats would just destroy XBL. Ban the S.O.B.s I say!

It makes me hungry just looking at it...!