
It's Palin, shouldn't she be supporting Shaeffer Cox? #alaskanjokes

Broadly did a really great interview with her!

Where do you live? It sounds like my city and I need Jezebel loving friends!

I was just in Arizona and as we were walking out of CVS, my cousin was asked “and what country are YOU from?” in the most patronizing and nasty voice I've ever heard. Gross! Who are these people?

Have you tried BigCartel?? Despite the name...only heard good things.

Wow it sounds like this comment section is E X A C T L Y where you need to be then.

Yeah, it's super common in DC but I don't believe I've seen it on the west coast. Best one is at DGS Deli in Dupont where they replace the English muffin with a latke and smoked salmon for the ham.

Herrell’s did a jalepeno ice cream?!

They must be the same people that call my salon and ask for “an appointment”.

I manage a hair salon and you better believe the temperature doesn't drop below 71F in mine. And even that, some people find cold! 72F is the sweet spot, but dear lord, I can't imagine going below 69F!

There is so much wrong with this I don't even know. It's like you read half a Wikipedia article of spoilers and extrapolated from there.

Luckily no sane, decent, human-run publication would ever do something crazy like that, right? RIGHT?!

I'd rather give money to a (yes, sometimes problematic) company that operates factories in the U.S., pays workers a decent wage, and doesn't use child or sweatshop labor. There really is no comparison.

Yeah, I'd much rather pay five dollars for a tshirt made by an actual child who is being paid ten cents an hour to sew together cheap polyester. It pisses me off when people are self righteously cheap without acknowledging that quality and non-sweatshop conditions make clothes cost more money and that is NOT A BAD

Seriously. Reading this thread is killing me. Let me just cry as I contemplate the $650 a month I pay for a ROOM in NW DC.

I was thinking of Jrink but that works just as well! I totally know the Chipotle you're talking about, too. Ha. So funny.

This is the most depressing thing I've heard. Drinks to commiserate? Of course it'll have to be a juice from that artisanal place on 14th...

You are so on point with DC Tinder. It's actually disturbing. Where do we go to find cute non-bros around here?!

Worse than that, Michael Seewald is actually his sister Jessa’s father-in-law.

Right? Yikes. My slut cred is well established, then.