
This seems like a good place to ask this question. I'm 20 and I've been working since I was 15. I never went to college beyond a few classes, simply because it wasn't economically feasible for me. Instead, I moved across the country and earned decent-ish money in a field that I like and that is setting me up to open

If I remember correctly, silk was also in rare supply due to it being used for parachutes.

I'm really just hoping your name is LittlePrincessNinja in real life. I want to hear someone moan that.

Obviously he's already made a few appearances there...

The primer actually sucks unless you use the tiniest little dab for all over your lips. Try putting it on without the primer. Also, use the teeniest bit of the lip tar. I usually start with an amount about the size of a pin head and that's usually enough.