
I think I might have been. I'm usually better at sniffing those out. I guess it was one of THOSE days. Ugh.

The first Valerian comic book came out in 1970, and Besson already tried to adapt it as early as 1997. You could argue for the aesthetic, but not the material.

I'm laughing again just from reading it with his voice in my head.

Schmove schmon schmith schmy schmife!
I reject this cancellation.

Step aside, Boobs. This is a job for Trench Stubblebleach.

I'd wager half Cover Girl, half gender-flipped Psyche-Out.

Yes. They're called bad writers.

This is why I can't bring myself to keep watching it, imaginative as it may be. It just leaves me with this murky lump in my stomach.

The most enjoyable bit of TV I've experienced this week.
Rewatched within a couple of hours (Helix got in the way).

I said it from day one. Jed & Maurissa need to be replaced.
Until that happens, I'm done with this show.
Just think how much negative talent one needs to screw up a show like this.