What’s more impressive is that he also did it on a type of mission called Elusive Targets, which are essentially one-shot challenges made available for 48 hours that can be permanently failed if you screw up.
What’s more impressive is that he also did it on a type of mission called Elusive Targets, which are essentially one-shot challenges made available for 48 hours that can be permanently failed if you screw up.
She’s not entirely mad — the frying pan, it seems, was in fact borrowed by Thaler, hence the cracked monocle you find in the abandoned house
The puzzles in this game are exceptional — each one requires you to realise something new about how to work with either the man, the sausages or a combination of the two and they build brilliantly.
It’s terrifying to think how amazing the menus in their next game are going to be! I feel like you can also cut them some slack on the UI front for having produced a nearly best-in-class open world game with almost no prior experience in that type of design. It’s the best realised game world I’ve experienced since Red…
I don’t want to set the world on fire
I just want to start a flame in your heart
But if your heart will not conspire
The one thing I’ll do is to set fire to you
So far I’ve found virtually every aspect of the Witness’s design to be leaps and bounds above Talos — except for maybe the story, but I’m giving Blow the benefit of the doubt that it will come together in a satisfying way given time. The Talos puzzle mechanics are so much less sophisticated than what the Witness is…
I liked Talos, but I think Jonathan Blow is a significantly better designer than the folks behind the Talos puzzles, most of which were essentially challenges around juggling items rather than providing those items with deep mechanics. In comparison, Braid’s puzzles were a lot more sophisticated and its individual…
I’m not sure what the patience thing is aimed at, but I hope I can convince you that you’re being a little unfair. Guillermo del Toro, through no fault of his own, squandered years of his career — not making anything between 2008 and 2013 — at a point when he could have landed almost any gig he set his heart on or…
In a way, Cosmo’s level seems to distil the spirit of any% speed-running into a mario stage. It’s not that you do the level quickly, just that the goal of completion requires getting x number of things just so in order to produce the sequence of events that will get you there. And, moreover, working out that order…
You think he’s dead BUT:
While it’s fun in game, my hunch is that it’s probably too unbalanced/unbalanceable for games between real people. Most games turn on having more cards to play than your opponent through judicious use of spies, dummies/healers to re-play spies or the Northern Realm perk, and if you build a deck to take advantage of…
The idea behind the logos, its execution in jangled & mismatch typefaces, their placement hodgepodge around the case and once more, seemingly randomly and giantly to fill some of the unvented space under the screen; all of this is just horrible. And probably an infringement of both Sony's and Microsoft's trademarks.