
Is this somehow related to Cat Thor?

If it means anything, it looked like Silk was starting to head in that direction. Being she’s a new(ish) hero, I’ll just kinda give the shorthand.

She was bitten by same spider as Peter Parker, but due to interdimensional beings that hailed her as part of some prophecy she got hidden away in a bunker for about a

I didn’t realize it until now but I was unintentionally making my roommate do this with me. There were often many moments of miscommunication between us since we could usually only talk through texts (due to our schedules) and things would often get lost in translation. Usually I go overboard in describing what I

I’ll always remember the best way I ever asked a girl out on a date in high school. I started sitting next to this cute girl in my Shakespeare class. She was really funny, interesting, and pretty damn smart. We were talking about Pok’e’mon one day and how she couldn’t get a Pok’e’mon called RegiGigas. In order to