
You haven’t been to downtown Tampa in like 10 years, have you?

She’s one of the ones that encouraged the pile on here.  She is not good.

Anti-Semitism is something these people take very seriously... when they can use a bogus accusation of it to smear and attack a Muslim.

I used an internet search engine to find this. There are a bunch of different ones, but most people use Google.

How’s the weather over there?

If the US wasn’t tirelessly backing Israel it’s possible “those crazies” wouldn’t give a shit about the US.  Chicken meet Egg.

It’s an absolute joke that she got this backlash, and I say that as someone with Jewish heritage who’s been called an anti-Semite for not backing Israel 100%. A Muslim woman is going to get the same reception, except 10,000 times worse.

Agree, but not everything is always covered. There are important stories from all over the world that news corporations ignore or simply fail to cover. So there’s precedent in not covering something. It doesn’t have to be politically motivated or part of a larger agenda.

Jesus christ those are ugly as hell.

And I’m sure you can’t pick it up because you’re too busy fellating yourself about how “woke” you are. Clown.

Way to get angry about nothing, you virtue signalling moron.

She should run as a republican.

She didn’t say a single thing that was anti-Semitic. Fuck Nancy Pelosi. Fuck Chelsea Clinton. Fuck all the Democrats that let AIPAC bribe them.  So sick of all these corrupt politicians that don’t work for the American people. Establishment Dems are just as corrupt and easy to bribe as Republicans.

Hallie, you’re a true heroine for this. And this kind of article is the Number One reason I read Deadspin over any other sport site - you all actually care about shedding light on these sorts of issues. This feminist thanks you, all of you.

Fun fact. Jimmy Fallon wore blackface for Saturday Night Live. I think they should fire him and Lorne Michaels. .