
Centrism just means that AIPAC gets to control our foreign, and increasingly domestic, policy.

It’s almost as if the “Neo” in Neocon and Neoliberal just means AIPAC.

Oh come on.  First of all Bezos’ wife and kids are set for life as are their grand grand grand grand grand children or however many more generations we have until total annihilation.  Sanchez followed her heart and it led to her getting abused by everyone she loved.  Except Jeff.

Yeah, agreed. My buddies say the same and they probably get more hookers than I do. The demand is going nowhere, so just legalize it and tax it. Makes sense.

Hear hear. This is the type of reporting I crave, and the type that we all need. Modern sensibility combined with old school grind-it-out journalism.  Simply put, magnifique.  This feminist thanks you too, and feels encouraged.

What a complete and total waste. Let’s say that Parkland had these commandos. What would they have done? Nothing, in all likelihood. They would have to know where the shooter was, where he was going, what kind of equipment he had, what his escape route would be, etc etc. So even in the event where an active shooter

The ONLY good thing about Trump’s Tax Scam - aside from personally benefiting - is that he capped State and Local Tax deductions at like $10k or something absurdly low.

Open secret in Hollywood: Seth Rogen and Judd Apitow are the two biggest racists alive. Watch their movies with that in mind and you’ll see a different movie. Try it...

You don’t want the rural ones anyway trust me. Even a little bit outside of the metropolitan area and the quality goes way, way down. You need a hooker who’s in demand enough to charge prices that allow her to live where she works because let’s be honest, that’s why she’s doing it. It’s easy money and everyone


Considering space is fake and Mars doesn’t exist, I think the scam might go a little deeper than “but what about the return trip?”

Germany took in 25 million African refugees over the past couple years.  What have you done?

I would take Booker over Kamala and I think that’s where most people stand on it.  Also you’ve got Warren way ahead of Kamala for the women vote too so at this point Kamala should bow out really. 

No, she is not pro-black. She is pro-black if it means putting someone in jail. Maybe that’s what you mean? Because there’s no two ways around her record. She helped create the overpopulation problem we see today in our jails. That’s what Kamala stands on when she says “vote more me.” That’s her record - putting

Big, bold, beautiful... That’s Lindsey Von.  Maybe more than anyone did she help popularize the Super G and bring it into public consciousness.  She captured our hearts, she captured our imaginations.  She captured the gold.  She showed us how to move beyond our fear, and that the route was straight down the 

Haha what???  How did I knot know this?  Not that I think Ted is a handsome man.  I don’t.  But come on dude.

It’s not about his accomplishments though. He doesn’t have any just liek you said. It’s about getting theirs.

Whoopi didn’t do blackface did she..?