
Doesn’t matter.  Can’t trust anyone if they have two first names.

Every year for her bday I get my girl a Gucci bag and every year she’s happy about it. I am too because it’s so easy now. I don’t have to sweat over it or think too much about it. So now I can’t do that. Anybody know a comparable price bag to get instead?

FYI pls use the sarcasm tag [ “/s” ] on posts like this. Sometimes people can’t tell.

Jimmy Kimmel, Joy Behar, Seth Rogen, Beyonce, Ted Danson, Drake and so many others too...

Bezos is the richest person on earth and a man to boot. Sanchez’ brother is using her private texts to blackmail her. And her husband ditched her.  Sanchez is getting the short end of the stick in every way.

This is so disheartening.  Ms. Sanchez was involved in a private relationship between two consenting adults and her brother had no right to blow up her spot.  I bet he was jealous. 

Probably really bad.

So it’s not a stretch to assume he’s against vaccinations including the annual flu vaccination.  I mean, we gotta do something about these people.  They are making the world not safe for the rest of us.  Vaccines work, go get your shots.  

No thanks. Kamala is absolutely not pro-black or pro-justice. She’s pro-Kamala. Whichever way the wind blows, that’s what she’s saying. Her record as a prosecutor is indefensible. Can’t get there. I happily will take Booker over her. Happily. Even though I really want Beto.

Trump will just spin this as proof that his wall in San Diego works.