
Whoa whoa whoa whoa wait. Time out.

And smell? What kind of soups are you eating? I mean, sure consistencies are pretty, well...consistent...among soups, but smell? I would imagine the smell would change depending on what you make...

I'm all for you having a positive tech experience and choosing whatever brand works best for you, but comments like "now I can understand the positive side effects of being within Apple's sphere" and "I will adapt the rest of my technological wants to my iPhone. It only makes sense for me to buy a Mac and an iPad, if

It's like you two are two ships passing in the night. Chris Robson started with the "chains" metaphor, and it was clearly a software comment. You replied with hardware comments, which made no sense—mainly because your original post was about marketing strategies and user markets.

I'm glad that Giz commenters seem to have returned to this sentiment. When the Fire was first announced, most articles were putting it up against the iPad. Trying to mention that they were focused on different markets was generally met with, "They are competing and my device is gonna kick the other device's ass!" from

If I may...

Improve faster, or litigate faster, as their most recent actions might suggest.

They also exploded after even relatively minor collisions.

Amazon's marketplace was integrating with cloud storage LONG before the iCloud was ever announced. Just because Apple is the first to "innovate" everything in your fantasy world does not mean that it's actually true.

No, I think you are misreading @TheCrudMan's statement. He's not saying buy the $200 device and avoid the debt associated with the $500 device. What he's saying is, if you only have 200 spare dollars, you really don't have any spare money at all and shouldn't be buying anything. Re-read his statement. I side with

Steve Jobs did, however, comment on the Kindle before it was released. Something to the effect of "books are dead," if memory serves. Maybe it's just unique to Amazon?

Replying to promote. THIS. A million times this.

I'm with you. I disagree with, "Fandroids say that iPhones, Blackberries and Windows Phones are way too expensive. Anyone can buy a cheaper Android!"

Thanks—Apparently I was just several updates behind. Cool!

That's not necessarily true—that's why in most states, there are laws that say you need to be notified if you are going to be video and audio taped at the same time. For example, you can be video taped (without audio) in a store, but that's considered not to infringe upon your privacy too much. Both audio and video,

Nono, that removes the arils from the pith. I want to remove the tiny little seeds from within the arils! (Great video though, thanks for sharing!)


I use Google Talk all the time for my GChat contacts. I'm not seeing anything for SMS messages... Am I just dense?

I know that you can eat the seeds, but I'm not overly fond of them.

I can't find anything in Google Voice to send texts...did you mean Google Talk?