The Punky-Looking Kiddo

This year, there’s a new “Worst Job in America”, displacing the old number one for the last five consecutive years - “Crack Whore”. The new number one: “Assistant Crack Whore”.

I thought the exact same thing. That movie scared the CRAP out of me as a teenager. George C. Scott was the lead - amazing movie, watch it! (Not interested in this show, however.)

I think that’s a movie isn’t it? If not it should be!

Memphian here. This article completely understates how awesome this Bass Pro is. There are alligators, giant gar, and a full-fledged aquarium, as well as the worlds “tallest free-standing indoor elevator”. My kids LOVE it.

Top three Pixar tear jerkers: this scene, the end of Toy Story 3, and the end of Coco when Coco wakes up. God, all the feels.

If you get bitten by a Nazi do you turn into a Nazi?