Unrepentant Punk

Yup. It’s a gamble. But if you can’t get his balls, and you aren’t Ronda Rousey, clamping down on a chunk of some dude will cause him devastating agony without depleting your energy, and without requiring a lot of training on your part. It also leaves a nice identifying mark on the guy when you go to the police. But

Nice work!

Well, it’s only if running isn’t an option. Plus, this lets you win the fight in a way that won’t completely deplete your stamina, so running will still be viable once you unclench your teeth.

This should definitely have more stars. Like... all the stars.

Deliverance or Dukes of Hazzard?

Hey, at least when those folks are all gathered together, the rest of us know where they are.

Looked more like a cheap knock off of Triumph of the Will.

Not ‘the government;’ any REPUBLICAN government.

The pic of the day! Mike Huckabee’s wife looks mortified, but keeps on smiling! Mad politico wife skills!

Deliverance meets The Walking Dead meets Red State.

Hey Huckabee!

If you don’t like the law, change it. Until then you are breaking the law.


I think we’re all a little concerned. Fence around Kentucky needed?