Unrepentant Punk

Some sick fuck who’s actually thought about it, I’d guess. Ugh.

Since their thinking’s so perverted, they think everyone else’s is too:

LOL, I was just checking out your past (heh), read the first few lines of this and had to come over because this was totally me from the 80s to 2001:

I’ve laughed at as well as watched Brooks for nearly 20 years now. This is so on the money as well as confirming some of my longtime assumptions, thank you.

Yet how often can a person endure the type of disappointment inflicted by a bad mother?

I still love ‘Dark Knight Returns’, ‘Elektra Assassin’ and ‘Give Me Liberty’ for years before FM came out as a conservative. When he did, I thought it over and concluded ‘it figures’. :-/

Hey, ‘scuse me, I’m stalking Kittens lurking, I just want to say the above totally makes sense especially my best bit: from the word ‘terrifying’ all the way driving up Mulholland (I felt like I was there in my head and visualised it from the film ‘Mulholland Drive’).

Congratulations! OT: I’m not stalking, I promise. Or am I? muah-ha-ha-haaaa! *evil laugh*

Based on that comment alone, your mom is a pisser (not a dis, I hope you don’t take that as a dis cause it’s not). Fuck. OK, your mom sounds like a totally hilarious person (so far away from my own). I’m envious but not in a bad way. :-)

I have such a thing for him and his stories, been totally addicted obsessed w/him and his life since I was a kid and the pleasure hasn’t worn off yet. :-)

OT: Once I saw your username in my notifications, I had to say ‘hey’ to another Lovecraft-y person. :-)

He’s spewing this shit for the benefit of low-information voters who’ll believe it because they want to (since it’s easier than looking up facts). I’m not a betting man, but I’d bet anything his statement is solely based upon:

Apart from you, I adore your aunt and other women like her. She sounds incredibly well-grounded and secure in who she is. What kills me is it’s like an accepted norm for women to have children and when they don’t, for whatever reason, it’s like ‘What’s wrong w/her?’ (my experience so many times overheard when living

They’re like the republican party: everything they say should be understood to be the total opposite of what they claim.

Hang the hell on there and never mind if it’s on anyone or not — you’re actually peeing for FREE?

Do people still believe KJ’s lips and nose are ‘make-up tricks’, the kind of thing ‘anyone can do’?

Everything you said should be well understood by now, but unfortunately, nah. My youthful-appearing sister (w/her successful career) is childless and at age 50, is still fending off moronic questions. I’m like, a societal dropout (and proud of it) but people still have the gall to ask me if I’ll ever have a kid (if

Bah, not your imagination. Goddammit. }-(

I missed you. With so many seemingly gone, it's just not the same.