Uh, yeah, he listed a bunch of shit that supposedly Trump has accomplished. Is it wrong that I’d like sources on his supposed accomplishments? You ever write a paper? Jeesh.
Uh, yeah, he listed a bunch of shit that supposedly Trump has accomplished. Is it wrong that I’d like sources on his supposed accomplishments? You ever write a paper? Jeesh.
After Republicans stone-walled the shit out of any Democratic nominees because it was election year or some dumb bullshit like that.
No. Any other questions?
The UN ain’t the whole world dude. I hope you realize that. Trump has made an absolute fool of himself to other leaders with his dumbass handshakes, little to no knowledge of other countries customs, and his Twitter tantrums. The world is laughing at us whether you believe it or not.
You typed all this out and didn’t provide sources? Smooth. This one is pretty funny though:
OMG is trickle down economics finally working!?
Hahaha what good? What has Trump actually done besides saying racist shit (you know, when he can actually form coherent sentences) and giving tax cuts to the 1%?
My name isn’t Jason, but I like your parrot. More pictures please, thanks.
Unfortunately that doesn’t really translate well over the internet. Especially since I see people post that kind of shit seriously all over Facebook. But fair enough my dude, I can see that now. Also, how has road pizza improved over v 1.0? Are there any patch notes?
Yeah, but like, why? If it’s available (which they are in my car), fuck yeah I’m using them. Besides, letting things or other people determine your masculinity is dumb as shit anyways.
Oh shit, it’s me against a few of shitty dudes on Jalopnik? I think I’ll be alright. Besides, from what I’ve seen, most of the regular commenters on this site are decent people and will side with Alanis on this one. That’s the car culture I want to be apart of. Have fun hanging out with old grumpy white dudes who want…
I dunno, you tell me duder. I’d REALLY love to hear what you have to say. Hopefully my sarcasm translates well.
Sure, and then you went and threw in a dumbass insult. Obviously something triggered that.
Oh waaaahhh. If you’re gonna whine so incessantly about the articles, you may consider somewhere else where you can be safe from words you don’t like. Poor baby.
Except someone calling it out in an article on Jalopnik. So offended that you felt the need to comment saying how not offended you were. Get the fuck outta here jackass.
My (formerly) Quadra-Drive Grand Cherokee was swapped out for a 242 and I’m stoked to try it out in the snow. Of course, it’s going to be 60 here today so who knows when I’ll actually be able to. Typical fuckin’ Kansas...
It’s difficult to be scared of insecure dads who have to show off their AR-15's to feel like they’re intimidating.
Now now, I love SDR, but let’s not forget we have bands like Rites of Spring and Embrace. Those are some dope emo bands. Also the emo revival going on right now has produced some pretty great stuff.
Dude, let’s be real here: while I don’t consider MCR emo at all, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge absolutely rips as an album. I recently re-listened to it after a few years and it’s honestly just a really fun listen.
Jesus, you can always count on the the people who can’t take the time to spell out “government” correctly to spew some bullshit. So you trust ISP’s to regulate themselves? Because I don’t. Verizon, Comcast, AT&T...they don’t give a fuck about you as a consumer, and they’ll gladly roll out slow lanes for things like…