
“I don’t agree with them, so they must be wrong!”

Oh, cool, so we should just lay back and get fucked by shitty pay to win business practices in a game we’d like to play because the “majority” doesn’t mind? Go fuck yourself and your apathetic attitude.

I mean, do we need one? I feel like I kind of just browse around and read whatever article is interesting, though I mainly stay on Jalopnik. What do us average white guys do that’s really interesting?

It ain’t that bad.

Fuckin’ weird place to bring that up outta nowhere. Sounds like he’s offended that Jezebel exists.

What are you even on about?

Shut up mom

Yo Stef, check out the new Converge album if you haven’t already! Also, Ceremony’s Rohnert Park is one of my go-to’s when I’m angry and having a bad life. Hardcore is the best therapy.

Eh, it irritates me when someone like Ice Cube is very well known and someone goes “Ice whatever”. I mean, you gotta know him by now. Hell, my dad, who listens solely to country music, knows who Ice Cube is. ANYWAYS, a lot of those OG (and more recent) rap artists actual used instruments live and in the studio

Sure, I don’t know who Glenn Miller or Artie Shaw are, but after looking them up I can respect their contributions to music. Ella Fitzgerald is hugely famous, and IS an amazing vocalist. No one is arguing that.

True, I just feel like AMW is the most recognizable since it was his first solo album.

Dude, you KNOW it’s Ice Cube. Don’t pretend that you don’t know because you think you look cool or underground or whatever. Jeesh. Also, listen to AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted, thanks.

I’m insanely jealous. I haven’t had a chance to see them yet, but hopefully the opportunity presents itself.

At the time they definitely didn’t, and I love hearing stories on how Dear You was panned as a sell-out album when it first released. Now days I think they’re receiving the recognition they rightfully deserve.

Nothing wrong with that my dude. I’ve been listening to a lot of Husker Du, Sugar (okay really anything Bob Mould), and the Replacements. It’s just that time of the year I guess.

Goddamn I love Jawbreaker so much. Back in high school I bought every single thing they put out on a whim after my long term girlfriend and I broke up and listened to it all on repeat for days. I remember blasting Do You Still Hate Me on my way to her house to give all her stuff back to her. We got back together that

Old white people are lame as fuck.

Naw, plenty of punk definitely points out that the world is a shit pit and asks why.

Now if only there were a drop-down menu with the option to punch all Nazis. Bonus if you could select it multiple times for extra punches.

Hey everyone, get a load of this doofus. Hey doofus, Nazis aren’t cool no matter how hard you try and justify their existence. Oh yes, let’s not forget about the “anarchists” and “communists” peacefully protesting while neo-nazis drive vehicles into crowds. It seems like you’re pretty cool with that though and would